Looking 4 new music + artists to champion on my radio show on Netil Radio. If you are an musician/artist/poet pls hit me up with your sounds

Email your music and info to shimmyahmed@mac.com

And some info on The Breakfast Brapp show below....

If you're looking for a radio show that's unlike anything else out there, look no further than The Breakfast Brapp on Netil Radio. This weekly show is dedicated to championing new music and emerging artists, and it's hosted by Shimmy, a DJ with a vast and varied background in music.

The Breakfast Brapp, a weekly radio show on Netil Radio www.netilradio.com - that's been making waves in the London music scene playing a genre-defying mix of music from ambient to afro and break beats, dance, DnB/jungle, electronic, folk, Hip-Hop, jazz, reggae, roots, uk funky and more.

What sets The Breakfast Brapp apart from other radio shows is its dedication to championing new music and emerging artists. Each week, Shimmy scours the music scene to find the freshest sounds and showcase them to her listeners. The show's dedication to new and emerging artists is clear from its list of previous guests, which includes Priya Ragu, Al Costelloe, Leo Kalyan, Sim0ne, and many more.

It's no surprise that Shimmy hosts such an eclectic radio show. Her music influecne over the past few decades has been vast to say the least.... very early musical influences include Musical Youth, Blondie, Tricky and Enya, and growing up in an immigrant home where Qawalli and Pakistani folk music were played regularly - working at Kiss 100 FM in her formative years plus a stint aongside Mary-Anne Hobbs/Jamz - further widened exposure to eclectic sounds and styles, which opened Shimmys heart, mind and ears up to a world of music - seeking out new sounds has become as second nature to Shimmy as breathing.

It's clear that Shimmy's diverse background in music has given her a unique perspective on the music scene, and it's this perspective that she brings to The Breakfast Brapp. It's not just Shimmy's musical expertise that makes The Breakfast Brapp such a great radio show, however. The show has also been recognized by TimeOut magazine, who named it the Best Show on the Quirkiest Station in London. This is a testament to the show's popularity and its ability to connect with listeners who are looking for something different from their radio experience.

So, if you're a music lover who's looking for something new and exciting, be sure to check out The Breakfast Brapp on Netil Radio. With its genre-defying approach and dedication to new music and emerging artists, it's sure to be a show that you'll love. And who knows? You might just discover your new favorite artist or genre.

Tune in Every Wednesday from 09:00am - 11:00am - www.netilradio.com


  • Hi,
    Here's my website: www.remi-b.com
    There's a playlist on my homepage which hopefully will appeal to you.
    Feel free to get in touch!
  • Hiya,
    My band Rich Ragany & the Digressions have a new album coming out beginning of March & will be playing a bunch of shows to promote it.
    Here's a taster track of the new album

  • Hey there really love this post. Would love for you to come to this free event tomorrow. You’re gonna see a collective and their amazing songs that are apart of an album. https://link.dice.fm/I298a9fe2061
  • Here are some of my tracks. https://jimharris1.bandcamp.com
  • Hello, I am a singer-songwriter, you can find my music on all streaming platforms. Here is my most recent release https://distrokid.com/hyperfollow/luciecholot/world-full-of-wonder?fbclid=PAAabKXe7yO6bcmqKYvWRnb6r6WT10U99MkD1GA_5UZPi1Ac80RYfkTWcVzZo
  • I am a Poet. I have a Facebook page for my poetry. It would be great if we could collaborate.

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