Looking for a silhouette illustrator for a logo design I’m working on!✨Hit me up✨
I need to commission the illustration of a relatively simple tree silhouette for a client’s logo design I’m currently working on. It’s very simple, but they are very particular so would love to work with someone that specialises in illustration for this! Feel free to message/comment with portfolios😊
- Hey Sarah!I would love to create something for you. Here is a link to my website to check out my work: https://www.cerysevansillustration.com/Feel free to get in touch if you are interested!
- Hi Sarah,This is my portfolio, in case the style is the right one for your project: https://www.andreeac-portfolio.com/Thank you!Andreea
- Hi Sarah,I looked at your job posting, and I am interested to know what style you are looking for within your logo design. Also, here is my link to my portfolio, if you are interested in taking a look at my workhttps://www.manisharekhi.com/portfolioMany thanks,Manisha
- Thanks everyone! Just having a look at portoflios now and will be in touch with anyone we think may be a good fit 😊
- Hi Sarah,I am a freelance illustrator based in London, you can see my recent work here: https://freddie.studio/Give me a shout if you think my style would suit your project!Best,Freddie
- Hi Sarah,This sounds like a wonderful project that I'd love to get involved with! I'm a freelance illustrator based in Brighton creating work accross editorial, design, publishing and packaging projects! I have availability over the next few weeks and I'd love to be considered for this if you think my style would suit. My portfolio is faytrooteillustration.com where you will find lots of nature based pieces! My email is fay.e.troote@gmail.com if you'd like to get in touch.Thank you so much, speak soon,Best Wishes,Fay
- Hi Sarah, would love to work on this for you. I'm an illustrator with a big love for all things nature, with plantlife featuring heavily throughout my work- I'm happy to rise to the challenge if there are specifics of the tree that the client is after.You can see my work at www.katherineshapiro.com and get in touch if you feel we would be a fit.Love,Katherine
- Hello,I'd love to work on this. My portfolio is linked belowhttps://lucipina.co.uk/All the best,Luci Pina
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