Looking for some local London printers for creating illustration prints for sale, does anyone have any good recommendations? :)
Looking to sell some prints, photo/illustration hybrid prints if that's of any help. Would love to know where people are using & loving. Thanks!
- You can check www.firstcolour.com
- @Rashpal Gurm would be interested also
- Hey Jennifer, I'm a designer and we run a tradition screen-print studio as well! We work with illustrators, deisgners and companies looking to get their stuff printed, would be great to chat! https://www.atstudioa.com/ninety-fiveprints
- Hi Jennifer, I’m part of a local London print shop, and work in print myself as well as design, if you have more details send me a message and I can see how I can help!
- Hey @Jennifer HayashiI'm in the middle of doing the same thing at the moment (photographic fine art).I'll message you privately!ThanksRash
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