Motion graphic design for platform explainer video

Looking for a MGD (or any relevant designer!) to overlay text create a MAX 1 minute video brining to life a tech platform.

Deadline: Mid June

Style: contemporary / modern / 3D renders

If interested please DM me with examples of work, usual availability per week and your hour rate or price per project.


  • Hi Emilia, I'd love to work with you!

    My name is Sophie I'm a 2D animator/illustrator. I have three years industry experience on project such as motion graphics for TV, animated explainers, mixed media films and live events.
    You can find my portfolio here:
    Happy to discuss price in DMs

    Best wishes
  • Hi Emilia :)

    I've send you the "Connect" request (otherwise I can't send the message).

    In the meantime, please see my website with samples of my work and my showreel linked below.



    I'm happy to share more of my work if necessary :)

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