UI Designers lets connect

I am looking to chat to UI Designers who love to design storytelling webpages. Send me your portfolio links and tell me a bit about you. I am building up my available freelance network for future content briefs we have at NBCUniversal Catalyst in house agency.

Skills: UI Design, Art Direction, Digital Design


  • Hi Emma,

    My name is Ike Ovuworie, and I am a Product Design Engineering graduate with a Bachelor’s in Engineering, and an interest in reading, travelling, art, photography, watching sports (and playing sports occasionally), and blog writing. I am a Freelance Gen-Z Consultant with 2 years of UX Design experience, including being a product developer for a website revamp project at CasildART Contemporary, which is a not-for-profit social enterprise that promotes contemporary black artists and sells contemporary black art. During my time here, I had to develop proposals for new features to improve the CasildART Contemporary website. In addition to all of the above, I have numerous certifications in Digital Marketing, Digital Design, and User Experience from institutions such as WYK Digital, BT, Accenture, and Udemy, which makes me an ideal candidate to grow with an exciting team from the ground up.

    Here is the following link to my web portfolio: https://ike-ovuworie-design.notion.site/ike-ovuworie-design/Hello-I-m-Ike-a8f556eb956e451aa2b663886d9c7728. Also, please see the following link to my Visual CV: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVMQ9tw44=/?share_link_id=33722259107.

    Thank you,

    Kind Regards,

  • Can we still connect if I don´t know what exactly is storytelling webpage?

    I believe every landing page tells some kind of story. You introduce and start showing features and building trust until you arrive at call to action.

    Anyhow. I would be interested to work with something new and challenging. Some past work can be seen:

  • Hi Emma. I'm a UI/UX designer. Although I have a fundamental grasp of UX, I lean more heavily towards UI and visuals. Still working on putting my portfolio together in one place, but right now, it's on dribbble and behance.


    I'm not particularly experienced with designing 'storytelling webpages' but it's an area that seems interesting and I'm curious to explore the concept.

    I'm very new to dots by the way, so I'm not exactly sure how to connect with you. Could you help me out please?

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