Updated my website www.benedictpovey.com please go and check it out.


  • @Tanel S Disagree with fundamentally most things or don't feel they are even present in the site from what I can see here @Benedict Povey.

    The most important thing... I think the inclusion of some of your personal works gives a nice insight into the sort of clients you want to work for, your social and political allignement, your sense of visual approach to different issues/problems. These are the things that exciting businesses and individuals will be drawn to and show some personality, the brand work can show the polished projects. Show the kind of work you want to make.
  • Its good. Presentation of projects is nice. Quality work.

    1) Horisontal scroll doesn´t actually add any value. Especially if it is just for homepage and doesn´t respond to scroll wheel. Instead of solving problems you created one.
    2) Homepage thumbnails feel like they should open one project instead of whole category.
    3) Don´t add coming soon stuff. Add it or don´t add it if you don´t have anything prepared. Or at least show some kind of a teaser.
    4) Project card hover zoom out is lagging and doesn´t add much value. Maybe it is my personal taste however I wouldn´t change the card size or move text. Just image zoom if you could make it smooth would be enough.
    5) Same for project switcher on the bottom. Don´t like zoom. And if your front-page had horisontal zoom I somehow anticipated that it means that you can swipe left right to open new project or dragg that button.

    As someone who would hire you I feel that most of the personal projects are experimental and don´t add much value. I don´t see specific style or something revolutionary interesting. Client work however looks polished and probably it would be important to see more of that.

  • Nice and clean.

    Wonder whether you could have scrolling down/up moving right/left too, as that tends to be user's natural instinct? 👍
  • Really love the cleanliness of the site and the code you've implemented, really nicely done! Curious to see what the 'lab' feature is, only thing I would suggest is to give the entry page a bit more of a personal touch. The navigation, layout and palettte is very intelligently done! I just feel like when some reaches the page there should be a little more about you and your practice, that's what'll take the site to the next level in my opinion. Such a great job though! :)

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