What is something you wish you knew before becoming a freelancer? What advice would you give to some new at freelancing?

As part of my MA in design I am doing some research about going freelance and the types of skills and understanding I need to develop. As part of this I need to engage with industry professionals so would love to get your opinions and input!


  • @Anna Negrini Thank you for all of the great insight! I have did a little work on promoting myself in the past but I really need to get properly in to it and keep up with it. Also yes chasing money is so hard for me, I need to learn to be more assertive, also with communicating with clients. I often try to get things done on my own rather than asking for help or guidence from the client.

    I am a huge advocate of ethics and have very strong morals so I have also thought about that and what I would do if someone approached me that did not align with my morals. I do think it is super important to do work that you believe in.
  • @Luke Freeman I do not know much about agencies honestly but I think this is something I will need to research to understand where you are coming from! Also yes, this is a very hard one since the 'designer' role seems so saturated so lots of competition.
  • @Anike Shontan This is really interesting, I had not thought of this in that way before! I agree that sometimes it does feel dishartening when you don't feel supported by family and friends. You are completely right though they are not the people you are marketing yourself for. Thank you for you insight!
  • @Kemi Oloyede I need to learn how to do this. I have always struggled with charging people the right amount and dealing with clients in a way that best fits me. It can be hard to feel confident enough and brave enough to do it. I will try though!
  • @Mina Owen Good advice! I am still trying to work out all of the book keeping and tax side of business so this is really useful advice!
  • Coming from an agency these are the things I noticed more:
    1) Being good at your job is not enough: you need to promote yourself, look for work, make your work understood, sell it and make sure you'll be paid and there's not shame in chasing money
    2) You'll fail sometime for sure, but it's not the end of the world
    3) You have the power to say no: to work or people you don't believe in, if you think your workload is too much or the deadline impossible for you
    4) The importance of dialogue: with the clients or people you're working with
    5) Last but not least as @Kemi Oloyede said... know your worth
  • Your friends and family are not your target audience!! Often when we start freelancing we can either be offended when those we love don't use our services or don't repost or promote out content. As painful as it is, you must remember that they aren't your target market. Those who you are actually marketing to will be willing to and be able to pay for and promote your services for what it is worth and while it's nice to know those we love support what we do, them not doing so is not the end of our career.

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