What's your advice for portfolios?

I 'm a student currently working on my portfolio's, I work in several different sectors of the creative industry, so often employers or clients are looking for something specific and I feel I get more work when creating separate portfolios for each of these.
But really I'm just wanting advice on how to structure the portfolio for the most effective first impression, and how others represent their creative style, thanks ๐Ÿ˜Š


  • I would say that one thing that clients are always looking for, regardless of your sector, is to see the process behind the work. People want to know how you ended up with the final design/art. I know its not always easy, as design is often an intuitive and process-free act (at least I found that to be the case for me), but it matters in selling your work. Your clients want to know how you apporach a project and come up with solutions to the creative challenge. Always include work-in-progress pieces, sketches and right a short rationale.
  • Hello Scarlett,

    I would recommend to have
    - a starter page that is just your name
    - a second with a personal statement
    - potentially a third for CV if you don't send it separately
    - each project an intro page describing the work, process challenges and solutions
    - 4-6 pages showing the project, maybe some brief text on details
    - closing page thanks for their time / contact etc.

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