 -  (GMT)
London, United Kingdom

Organised by BIMA

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BIMA Beat is our platform for digital creatives to showcase their work. It’s got clout – because it’s driven by BIMA’s Creative Council, Sony Music UK’s 4th Floor Creative and Spotify. It builds reputations – every quarter there’s the chance to make the final selection or be crowned the quarter’s winner by some of the best in the business. And it’s a safe, rewarding space – we launched BIMA Beat to support and galvanise the UK digital creativity community, so taking part is all about the positivity.

Join us for our first event of 2021 as we kick off the year with a bang, talking to some of the UK’s most inspiring creatives as they showcase their work, predict what is on the horizon and inspire you to create.
There’ll be some incredible, inspirational work on display – we’d urge you not to miss it.


Attendees — 19

 -  (GMT)
BIMA Beat | Creativity in 2021London, United Kingdom