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Online - London, United Kingdom

Organised by General Assembly

Two years ago, tech juggernaut Google sent shockwaves throughout Silicon Valley when they published the racial and ethnic makeup of their 20,000+ employees, fanning the flames of an already hot-button issue centered around a decidedly loaded question: Does tech have a diversity problem?

Since then, much ado has been made about what's been done (and what hasn't) to correct the issue. Articles and announcements about strategic new hires and branding initiatives are weekly occurrences, but diversity statistics at top companies remain objectively low.

To coincide with Black History Month, join us for a GA-hosted panel discussion/Q&A featuring black professionals who work in the tech sphere, sharing their stories and discussing topics related to the hot-button issue of “Diversity in Tech”. How to level the playing field, how they overcame the accessibility gap, and how companies looking to diversify can go about finding the best talent.

EVENT ZOOM LINK HERE: https://generalassembly.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN__IVgdZy3Sj-kjKnRrxBULQ


Any issues please reach out to london@generalassemb.ly
  • blackhistorymonth
  • lifeatga
  • tech


Attendees — 28

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Diversifying the Tech LandscapeLondon, United Kingdom