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Floor 3 - 168 Shoreditch High Street London E1 6HU - Unit 4, Galaxy House, 32 Leonard St, Old Street, London EC2A 4LZ, UK

Organised by Experience Haus

Join us in the Experience Haus studio where we will explore the intersection of artificial intelligence and design

About this event
Let's face it - A.I. has arrived quickly and it's here to stay. We're now seeing A.I. based tools that bring unparalleled efficiency improvements by handling time-consuming and repetitive tasks, which frees up designers of all kinds to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of their projects. But how will this affect the design industry and the roles within it? What are the some of the challenges that might be coming? How do we harness A.I. in the best way possible? Join us in our studio for a panel-led discussion where we will explore the collision of the A.I. and design industry.

Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) is poised to revolutionise the design industry by introducing new tools and capabilities that enhance creativity, efficiency, and personalisation. One of the most significant impacts is the automation of routine tasks – this allows designers to focus more on the creative and strategic aspects of their work. A.I.-powered tools can analyse vast amounts of data to identify design trends, predict user preferences, and provide real-time feedback, enabling designers to create more effective and appealing products. Moreover, A.I. can facilitate the creation of personalised designs tailored to individual user preferences, enhancing user experience and engagement.
Another profound impact of AI on the design industry is the democratisation of design skills. This shift could lead to a more inclusive and diverse design landscape, where a wider range of voices and perspectives can contribute to the creative process.


Attendees — 5

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How Will AI Impact the Design Industry?Unit 4, Galaxy House, 32 Leonard St, Old Street, London EC2A 4LZ, UK