 -  (GMT)
Unit 1-28, Echo Building, E Bay Ln, London E15 2SJ, UK

Organised by A New Direction

BFI Funding For Your Film Masterclass
If you're a UK filmmaker looking for funding, don't miss this opportunity to hear directly from the team at BFI with this in-person masterclass on how to prepare a standout application for the BFI's filmmakers fund.

About the session:
💡Learn from industry experts who will guide you through the A-Z application process of securing funding for your film project.
💡 Discover valuable tips to get your film funded.
💡 Get insider knowledge on how to make your application stand out.
Don't miss this opportunity to take your film to the next level.

Participant Information

Please note these sessions are fully funded and free to attend for freelancers from Hackney, Newham, Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest aged 18-30.
This event will take place at the Good Growth Hub, E15 2SJ, in person.
This will be a participatory event. If you're comfortable doing so, we encourage all attendees to join. You will need to bring a laptop or notebook.

  • film
  • filmmaking
  • filmproduction


Attendees — 6

 -  (GMT)
Masterclass: How to get BFI Funding for your filmUnit 1-28, Echo Building, E Bay Ln, London E15 2SJ, UK
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