Paid event
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TPF Studio Building D2 (Level 2) - 3 Dormer Yard, Unit 2.1, Building D2, London SE10 0EB, UK
Join the first in our series of interactive TPFxLabs to support your mental wellbeing as a creative and freelancer.

About this event
For Mental Health Awareness month, we're delighted to be joined by photographer, writer and creative director, Ken Lam. Outside of his commercial work, he explores topics close to home, stemming from autobiographical experiences such as masculinity, heritage, and identity.
About this event
Mental health is essential to the creative process, but it can be challenging to balance the demands of the industry with personal well-being. Join us for an event focused on mental health for creatives, where we'll explore the unique challenges faced by those working in creative industries and share strategies for maintaining mental wellness.
Ken will discuss topics such as managing stress and anxiety, fostering creativity, and building resilience whilst sharing practical techniques for maintaining balance. There will be breakout sessions where you can participate in group discussions and activities. You'll have the chance to share your experiences, learn from others, and develop new tools and techniques for managing your mental health.
The event will take place at The Photography Foundation's studio in North Greenwich and is open to all, regardless of your level of experience or artistic medium. We encourage everyone to attend, from photographers and designers to writers and performers.
About TPF Labs
TPF Labs is an exciting opportunity for anyone interested in pursuing a career in the creative industries! The TPF Labs series offers a more hands-on and interactive approach to learning and networking, which is great for those looking to connect with others in the industry and develop their skills.
With a focus on themes of wellbeing, creative careers, and portfolio development, TPF Labs will provide a holistic approach to career development in the creative industries. By addressing not just the technical skills needed for a successful career, but also the importance of self-care and mental health, participants can gain a well-rounded perspective on what it takes to thrive in this field.
Overall, TPF Labs will be an excellent opportunity for anyone looking to learn, grow, and connect with others in the creative industries.


Attendees — 5

 -  (BST)
TPF Labs: Building wellbeing and resilience as a creative3 Dormer Yard, Unit 2.1, Building D2, London SE10 0EB, UK