‘How Does It Sound?’ is a series of short documentary films that explores the relationship between underground artists, grassroots music venues and the city around them. Each film will reveal the stories and the journey of the artists, bands and venues that are leaving their mark in the underground music scene of their town. ‘HDITS?’ is an opportunity to map the state of music within and outside the wheels of the industry, covering the stories of all those actors that play an essential role in establishing a rich, prolific music community. In a difficult moment for live music venues, we consider it a necessary document which not only represent the incredible changes in music production and consumption, but it also aim to explore the hundreds of sounds of all those artists and bands that are defining the underground scene. We feel that there isn’t a better moment to share these stories, support these artists and keep the love for live music alive. Our first first film 'The Spirit Of Camden' puts the spotlight on the worst kept secret of the famous neighbourhood: The Spiritual Bar. We discover the stories of the artists that made the venue a sanctuary for live music lovers. Have a look at the teaser trailer below and feel free to get in touch for more info, or if you are interested in being part of this project. Fun fact: I found all my production team here on The Dots! www.howdoesitsound.live