Philips Hue

This is a commercial for the Philips Hue range of smart lighting. It put a new twist on the old joke to ask, "How many years does it take to change a lightbulb?". Because while everything else in our home has moved on, lightbulbs have remained stuck in the past.

The ad was shot by award-winning director Martin Stirling over two days with a locked-off camera and a mountain of props spanning 13 decades. As we fast-forward from 1879 to the present day, the bulb remains the same while everything else changes. Finally, the bulb is replaced by a Philips Hue luminaire, one that can change colour and brightness, opening up a whole new world of possibilities.
“It’s an idea that starts conversations, gets people remembering what they grew up with, and gets them thinking about how quickly technology has changed and enhanced their lives. Now it is lighting’s turn to change and transform their lives and homes."
Chris Baylis, former Executive Creative Director, Iris.
"We used the same room for the entire production, meaning that we kept having to deconstruct and redecorate the space to show in visual ways that time was passing."
"We had two minutes for each shot and had to keep that rate going for two days. We had to shoot chronologically moving through the ages, so any deviation from that plan would have brought the whole thing crumbling down."

Director, Martin Stirling through Unit 9