Aimee Brockley

Aimee Brockley

Graphic DesignerMelbourne, Australia
+ Info


eduarda bostock
Ben Malin
Godwin Chad
Aimee Brockley

Aimee Brockley

Graphic DesignerMelbourne, Australia
About me
Currently based in Manchester, UK.
  • Mondays Apparel – i hate mondays
    Mondays Apparel – i hate mondays
  • Sheffield Modern – Heating and Eating.
    Sheffield Modern – Heating and Eating.Sheffield Modern is an arts festival inspired by the city’s architecture. The focus topic for 2019 was social housing. Emily Barker and I collaborated on a thoroughly researched project where we intended to expose the inhumanities of the current system. Our exhibition piece consisted of a phone box and spoken poem audio piece that was delivered through a telephone.
  • Let's Get Mad
    Let's Get MadA provocative anti-design website to incite effective and educated protest.
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Projects credited in
  • Sheffield Hallam University, BA (Hons) Graphic Design
    Sheffield Hallam University, BA (Hons) Graphic DesignThis course teaches the principles of Graphic Design and experiments with materials, processes and technology to develop professional, practical skills in this continually expanding field. Students are encouraged to: Experiment with a variety of techniques and materials, both traditional and future-facing. Develop the confidence to deal with new technologies and propose innovative, creative solutions. Work with practicing designers who bring their experience and networks to the course. Develop
  • Modern Living Manifesto
    Modern Living ManifestoAn exhibition as part of Sheffield Modern Architecture Weekender, in collaboration with Our Favourite Places. Graphic Designers and Illustrators from Sheffield Institute of Arts worked together to explore the past, present and future of social housing. My piece aimed to display the good work that Sheffield is doing in regards to social housing, and to develop an understanding of the journey the City has been on through the decades. From the utopian visions of Park Hill in the 1960’s, to the
  • Typographic Billboard - Collab
    Typographic Billboard - CollabA short and sweet typographic brief lead by Pam Bowman, where Sheffield Hallam's Graphic Design students worked together in collaboration with the students Minneapolis College of Art & Design lead by Professor Erik Brandt. I wanted to practice using my lettering skills for a commercial sense, and thought this was the perfect opportunity to, where I worked with a Sheffield Hardcore band called Grave. Billboard Picture Credit: Elisa Rustemi
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Work history
    BBC logo
    BBC logo
     - Manchester, United KingdomFreelance
    Inside The Factory. Keeping Britain Going: Heinz
    Graphic DesignerScruff Of The Neck
     - Manchester, United KingdomPart Time
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  • Graphic Communication
  • Graphic Design
  • UX
  • Branding Design
  • Branding
    Graphic DesignSheffield Institute of Arts
     - Sheffield, United Kingdom
    Department of Art and Design at Sheffield Hallam University logo
    Department of Art and Design at Sheffield Hallam University logo
    D&AD Ones To Watch 2020Department of Art and Design at Sheffield Hallam University