Celina Bassili

Celina Bassili

Set DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


J J Clark
Violeta Naval
Mac Lacy Baylis
Celina Bassili

Celina Bassili

Set DesignerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
set designer and art department freelancer based in london and oslo.
    'A SKIN NARRATIVE'Model and concept: Rikke Haughem Photography and set: Celina Bassili
  • Private Agenda 'Aura'
    Private Agenda 'Aura'Art direction for Private Agenda's 'Aura' music video.
  • The Institution of Loneliness
    The Institution of LonelinessThe Institution of Loneliness is a concept derived from a spatial design project, studying and exploring the theme of loneliness and what the emotion would look like if it was a physical space. The Institution is an enormous abstract and minimalistic glass building, inspired by the architecture of mountains and the shape of cubes. It is located in an arctic desert in a parallel universe, where the landscape looks like a field of duvets, filled with layers of ice and snow, and all you can see w
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Projects credited in
  • Kylie Minogue - Dancing
    Kylie Minogue - Dancing
  • Gucci and Frieze present The Second Summer Of Love
    Gucci and Frieze present The Second Summer Of LoveIn the late 1980s, the UK saw a cultural revolution of the same magnitude as the ’60s counterculture movement. A combination of a radical new music, a groundswell of youth-driven art, and, crucially, the introduction of a consciousness-altering new drug, led to the upturning of contemporary culture. In 1988, 30 years ago this year, that scene exploded, and the UK saw what we now call the Second Summer Of Love. In 2018 Gucci partnered with Frieze to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this cultura
  • Dinner For None - PETRIe Inventory
    Dinner For None - PETRIe Inventory"Dinner for None is quite a nod to surrealism, enhanced by photographer’s Ralph Whitehead rather painterly style. Together with stylist Alexia Planas Lee, he creates a series of tableaux, almost fairy-tale-looking images and abstract still lives, all in a cold and ethereal colour palette. A short surrealist story is born, with references to painters such as Magritte and De Chirico." TALENT: Drew Gregory at Models 1 PHOTOGRAPHER: Ralph Whitehead CONCEPT & STYLIST: Alexia Planas Lee SET DESIGNER
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  • Set Design
  • Set Decoration
  • Model Making
  • Production Design
  • Technical Drawing
  • Sketchup
  • Art Directon
  • Prop Sourcing
  • Prop Buying
  • Prop Making
    Wimbledon College of Arts (UAL) logo
    Wimbledon College of Arts (UAL) logo
    First Class Honours • BA (Hons) Theatre and Screen: Set Design for ScreenWimbledon College of Arts (UAL)
     - London, United Kingdom