Celine Ngai

Celine Ngai

Graphic DesignerLoughborough, United Kingdom
+ Info


Abhinav Bhole
Chhavi Priya Gaur
Phoebe Bell
Celine Ngai

Celine Ngai

Graphic DesignerLoughborough, United Kingdom
About me
I am a second year studying Graphic Design at Loughborough University and I am looking for a Graphic Design Placement position. I am a passionate illustrator and graphic designer that is always on the lookout for ways to integrate new skills and ideas into my work. I value improvement in every piece I create and like to actively challenge myself to take on new projects or roles. I also greatly enjoy working as a part of a team, and would therefore love to have the opportunity to join your design team to gain work experience.
  • Ketnipz Outfit Design
    Ketnipz Outfit DesignThis is my submission for @prospect100 and @ketnipz ‘s Ketnipz Plushie Outfit Design! As a symbol of joy, creativity and the simple pleasures of life, I started approached the brief by thinking about what makes me happy. The immediate answer was food and I was instantly directed to the direction of desserts � one of my favourite desserts are Taiyakis, which is a Japanese fish shaped with red bean filling dessert. My second design is a strawberry dragon under the main concept of the year of the
  • Leicester Animal Aid Animated Explainer Video
    Leicester Animal Aid Animated Explainer VideoThis is a university level project where we are asked design an animated explainer video for the organisation Leicester Animal Aid. The purpose of the video is to identify a problem in regards to the human-animal relationship and create an animation that addresses these issues, giving general advice and support about an animal of our choice to our target audience.
  • Place Branding Design
    Place Branding DesignThis is a university level project where we are asked to design a brand identity of an area of our choice in Liverpool. Having explored the area, I chose the area Ropewalks, which is a small shopping district at the heart of the city centre of Liverpool. Basing my design on the concept of work life balance, I designed a series of touch-points, this including a vinyl album cover, a t-shirt, and a mural design, that can be found around Ropewalks to promote more people to come visit the area.
Work history
    Media RepresentativeLoughborough University
    Loughborough, United Kingdom
    As media representative of Loughborough University's Volleyball Club, I am in charge of designing social media posts for our Volleyball Club to keep our audiences up to date about upcoming games, matches, and events. These designs are created using Adobe Illustrator and Canva, and are designed whilst being in close communication with the rest of the committee members.
    Freelance IllustratorLoughborough University
    Loughborough, United KingdomFreelance
    Working as a freelance illustrator, Loughborough University's Art Department commissioned me to design two independent illustrations for the LU Art's Magazine. The final designs are officially published in the university's magazine and is shared to the public.
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  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Indesign
  • Adobe Premiere Pro
  • Adobe After Effects
  • Adobe Lightroom
  • Canva
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • 2D Animation
    Graphic DesignLoughborough University
    Loughborough, United Kingdom
    International BaccaleaureatePo Leung Kuk Choi Kai Yau School
    Hong Kong