Gen Edelmann

Gen Edelmann

Multidisciplinary Designer & CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
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Amelia Yolland
Ellie Anthony
Gen Edelmann

Gen Edelmann

Multidisciplinary Designer & CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I am a graphic designer, illustrator and educator, specialising in motion graphics, editorial design and exploring creativity. I have been working in higher education since 2016 and currently analogue and digital design skills on the Graphic Design programme at UAL colleges Camberwell and Chelsea. My approach to design is a blend of physical and digital thinking; utilising a combination of analogue and digital experimental techniques to develop ideas.
  • Glossier Instagram Campaign
    Glossier Instagram CampaignThis Instagram campaign was created to promote Glossier’s new perfume ‘You’. The brief was to highlight the product's features and should show off the brand’s visuals and identity.
  • A Spotlight On: Michaela Yearwood-Dan
    A Spotlight On: Michaela Yearwood-DanWorking at an Art and Design University, it is clear that the majority of art and design students are women – so the question is: where do the women go after graduation? A Spotlight On...aims to be a frank and open conversation with women in the creative industry about the representation of female artists and designers in the education system and whether this has had any impact on their practice. This documentary film will provide a platform for women to discuss their work, the journey they ha
  • 16x9 Ident
    16x9 IdentIdent design for the Graphic Design Communication Stage 2 16x9 film screening at Chelsea College of Art.
  • Inside: The Prison Research Journal
    Inside: The Prison Research JournalWhat opportunities might exist for a Graphic Designer to visually communicate statistical information and data relating to the field of criminal justice? This project developed as a way to explore the relationship between graphic design and social responsibility in response to crime and the criminal justice system. I am interested in examining the opportunities that might exist for graphic design to make a positive contribution within the field of criminal justice, and the role graphic d
  • Melange Chocolate Packaging
    Melange Chocolate PackagingIdentity and packaging created for London chocolate brand Melange. A selection of designs were developed to showcase the different flavours of the award winning chocolates.
  • Patrick Thomas x Chelsea College Briefing
    Patrick Thomas x Chelsea College BriefingIn October 2019, I was responsible for running the Patrick Thomas Open_Collab workshop with 88 First Year students at Chelsea College of Art, UAL.
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Work history
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    Interim Technical Manager CCW Graphic Design ProgrammeUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
    London, United KingdomFull Time
    The role involves managing and supporting a group of Specialist Technicians, actively collaborating with Programme Directors and Course Leaders to ensure effective technical resource arrangements and progressive working relationships across the Courses.
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    Graphic Design Techncian (Teaching & Learning)University of The Arts London (UAL)
     - London, United KingdomFull Time
    As the Specialist Teaching Technician for Graphic Design at Chelsea College of Art, my role involves teaching and supporting students with a wide range of software products including Adobe Creative Suite and specialist 3D software such as Cinema 4D. I provide both formal and informal workshops and one to one tutorials for students that may include the demonstration and explanation of digital design, media software and the relevant equipment.
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  • Adobe Indesign/illustrator/photoshop
  • Mac
  • Editorial
  • Educator
  • PC
  • Creative Arts
  • Arts Graduate
  • Graphic Communication
  • Animal Illustration
  • Motion Graphics
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    PgCert Academic Practice in Art, Design, and CommunicationUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
    London, United Kingdom
    Kingston School of Art logo
    Kingston School of Art logo
    Master of ArtsKingston School of Art
     - London, United Kingdom
    I graduated with Distinction from Kingston School of Art with a Master’s Degree in Graphic Design. My Final Major Project explored the opportunities that might exist for a Graphic Designer to visually communicate statistical information and data relating to the field of criminal justice; it was a project that developed as a result of my interest in data visualisation and the relationship between Graphic Design and social responsibility. The final outcome was a physical publication which was the result of both a critical and creative approach to research and communication design.
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