Leroy Cooper

Leroy Cooper

Author & PhotographerLiverpool, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Alan Firmin
Marina Ventola
Leroy Cooper

Leroy Cooper

Author & PhotographerLiverpool, United Kingdom
About me
Gamblod And The Golden Pathway Author Leroy Cooper @ Capstone Media 2020 INTRODUCING “Does anyone else just feel the strong urge to change, to travel, to meet new people, to start over somewhere you’ve never been before, to just go and leave the future behind to fate and destiny?” A BEGINNING ? It was a night bereft of the light of the comforting moon’s lantern and its shimmering glow in the village of Agatorah. All the stars in the heavens had disappeared behind a blanket of dark, ominous, heavy storm clouds that were rushing across the land, heading towards the East. Those same dark and heavy, rain filled clouds were blown by mighty gales and gusts of wind that, uprooted ancient twisted trees, (here long before the“Coming of Maenkind)”) throwing them, hither and thither, like so many dead matchsticks. Violent, mournful, moaning winds that made packs of mountain wolves howl into the night, as if in answer to the twisting, screeching, of the “Schroarling Winds, the Winds of Destiny” that bring unexpected and unprecedented changes in human affairs. What nobody in the village knew however that behind the clouds enshrouding the night sky there was a fiery, original foundation building block of the solar system streaking across the sky that night, a glowing orangey, yellowy white ball of a cometeorite with a long sword-like tail that stretched out far behind it. An original celestial messenger from when our inner solar system had first sparked into life had returned, containing the mysteries of the universe and the very seeds of life itself. Frozen carbon dioxide, water, iron, ammonia and methanol with the potential, on impact, to combine and fuses them into amino acids. Cometeorites had always been viewed as bad signs, dark omens, harbingers of coming doom and disasters. Add to this the biting cold then this was not a night for travelling, near or far, never mind to attend an unexpected “makkiabong”, the ceremony for the birthing naming of a child but the Thirteen of the Sisterhood, the chosen wombkins of the village were VERY determined, all dressed in white garments from head to toe, to uphold the ancient traditions of The Sisters of The Sacred Scrolls, that had been passed down over the centuries, in assisting at the arrival and naming of a new member to the Thirteen Tribes. On arrival at the house, the ritual of the “Knock Knock” was performed by Creschenta The Elder (known as the Moonarc Of Light) while the other sisterkin, shuffled silently and attempted to blow some warmth into their cold ravaged fingers. Rapping on the wooden door, with the Xcalibranc, the “weirding staff”, she knocked three times to gain admission. Amelia, the matriarch of the family inside, nervously called out, “Who is it that appears at my door in the dead of night as unexpected as a house-breaker from the Land of Noggsee?” The Moonarc responded, “It is we the representatives of The Voice of The Light Bearer, the Bridge That Travels Among The Stars, to name the new child that we are blessed to receive into our community. The Sisters of the Sacred Scrolls come in peace to cleanse, to fortify and to read the naming signs of the ancestral starscatter in the afterbirth, as is the way” The wind gruffled and growled as the door was flung open dramatically by a woman who looked distressed and traumatised. Even in the dim quartz light the signs of eyes that have recently shed many tears were clearly visible, bloodshot red, watery and the sweat from her brow trickled down her nose forming a little bead that caught the light. “Come in, Come in” she said as she ushered all thirteen women into the house. The woman pulled the Moonarc to one side and in hushed tone explained the situation. “The birthing was difficult, there was much blood, too much blood, after several hours the baby was born, a beautiful baby girl but her mother, my daughter’s daughter, is very weak. I don’t think she will live beyond this terrible night to see a new dawn’s sun kiss our treasured homeworld.” “Where are the maenkin ?” the Moonarc asked suddenly, “Gone to the maenkin caves with the others, this is no time or place for squeamish maenkin, let them drink ale, chat bubbles & bluster while waving their “little meat sticks” at each other. This is wombkin’s business. “Good” said the Moonarc. “Take me to her and let me see the child”, she paused and changed her tone, deeper more bass-ier but softly, “Who is the father?” She was using “The Voice”. Her eyes squinted, in the dim quartz lights of the room, at the wombnkin’s face. The woman’s top lip quivered, she stuttered her reply “Ahh erm I’m..I’m not, I don’t really know. She spoke of meeting a stranger, a handsome young Man near to the Sun Stones Circle “The Time Stones !” blurted the Moonarc “You have kept this secret ?” she asked “Until this very moment, I did not believe her, I just.. I just presumed she made up the story to cover up her embarrassment. The Time Stones circle stories are nothing but murkytales, things we tell our yunglings, no one believes the stories of Starmasons who travel among the stars, seeding life upon worlds beyond our knowledge. Like the stories of mermaen and merwombkins, a humaenkin being but part fish that can swim and breathe underwater, they are just stories, how could, such a thing be, no I refuse to believe such talk. She is covering up for one of the maenkin in the village, I’m sure of it” But the tremble in her voice sounded more like “I’m too afraid to believe it because of the consequences.” The Moonarc pondered for a “moment”, a moment that encapsulated all that had been and all that may come to be and she then replied “Many veils have been lifted and yet many more, remain to be discovered and uncovered. If a people exist that can travel among the stars who knows what else they may be able to do.” Behind a screened off area lay the young woman, her breathing shallow and raspy. Beside her in a wicker basket lay the child with golden brown skin, with black curls of hair and the brightest, bluest of jewels for eyes. Their eyes met and held each other’s gaze until the child’s eyelids softly fluttered, closed and she drifted off to sleep. In the dim quartz light the Moonarc knelt beside the basket and the woman’s bedcot and took the woman’s hand in her own. She noted the lack of body heat in the hand and rubbed it gently, comfortingly. All the while the wind kept up its howling and moaning. The young woman turned her head slowly, opened her eyes and as weak as she was saw that it was the Moonarc holding her hand and recognized her. “My dear, you have a beautiful baby daughter, she is strong” “Thank you respected Sisterkin” said the young woman, “This is very important, you don’t have much time” The Moonarc said gently as she held her hand tightly as if transferring some of her strength to the dying woman “I need you to tell me about the stranger that you met near the stone circle it could affect all our futures but especially that of your child.” The young woman dragged some air into her lungs and spoke. “It was the first flowering time of the new year, the time of the bluebells. The forest floor was covered with them. I was angry with my Mother’s motherkin over something stupid and I wanted to be alone. I did not intend to go, beyond The Boundary to the Sun Circle but I ended up there.” She began coughing and blood trickled out of the left corner of her mouth, with droplets drip dripping down onto her white gown, blossoming like unexpected poppies in frozen snow. The Moonarc took the edge of her sleeve and wiped away the blood and said. “The stranger, tell me of him” “He came through the glowing circle, the circle was glowing golden and there was a pathway inside the circle that was golden too. I saw him coming, in an all red suit with a funny bird symbol on the left hand side of his chest, there was a blinding light and a sound like lions roaring and heavy chains skrattling, the ground shook and I fell. Then he was there, tall and handsome, with black skin of Kemet and the bluest eyes. He saw me. He came and he helped me. He spoke to me but not words out loud” She slowly raised her right hand and pointed her index finger at her temple and said, “In here, inside my head. He told me that he had travelled to our world to plant a seedling to help save us from a disaster in the future and that I had been chosen to carry the seedling and that the seedling would never walk alone although its mission would be of the mollimosst dangerous, it had been designed with great gene-wise, loven-thoughts, for a higher purpose, with many great powers and abilities to overcome all barriers and enemies. He gave me a gift and told me to keep it safe and to give it to the seedling and it would protect it, it would be its guide and its protection. She reached under the covers and produced what looked like a glass marble on a silver metal cord. Inside the marble it was like looking into the deepest part of the starry night sky with sparkling lights, swirling round and round and round.. “He called it, a Hubblestone. I don’t remember what happened next but I woke in the forest and it was getting dark and I made my way home. I told no one. Will you make sure she gets it ?” She began coughing and spluttering and closing her eyes, sank back down, to rest her head, gulping for air with the strain of talking. The Moonarc took the Hubblestone and rose to her feet and turned to Amelia. “I do not believe someone would lie to me on their deathcot, she has nothing to gain by falsehood and now we have to make a plan. The Child cannot remain here. There will be talk, the Klaarnven will surely hear of it, they have spies everywhere and “others” may come looking for her, through the Sun Circle. I’ve looked into the Valdon, the “mirror of reveals” that was left to us by the original Starmasons, who gave to us the thirty three Sacred Scrolls and the Light of Knowledge that illuminates the Golden Pathway for the soul. I’ve seen myself here at this moment but I did not know of the things she has revealed to me. The Sisters of the Sacred Scrolls have carried the secrets, the sacred knowledge of the Sun Circle and the Golden Pathway for centuries and this moment is the moment of our destiny. All of our futures may depend on the action we take next, for better or worse until death do us part.” The Moonarc took the woman by the arm “Come I must look at the starscatter in the afterbirth, this child needs a naming before the sun rises and kisses the new dayday” The Moonarc, the Sisters and the wombkin of the family gathered around the out spread bloodied afterbirth now laid out, on the table before them. The Sisters softly sang an ancestral song of the Scrolls, while in the shadow of the quartz light, the Moonarc studied the bloodied afterbirth. The Moonarc lifted part of the afterbirth, then after about five minutes she declared, “Bring the child, maybe she can give us a sign to point us to her name.” Amelia the matriarch of the family carried the baby, her daughter, daughter’s daughter, into the circle of the congregation of women and placed the child atop the table beside her afterbirth. The child now woke, yawned and began to cry, as if for feeding. In so doing her little, left hand reached out and grabbed hold of a section of that inner flesh, of her afterbirth. The Moonarc gasped in wonderment at the child’s action. “It’s almost like she... like she... KNOWS” The Sisters stopped singing and waited with baited breath to see what would happen next. The child let go of the bloodied piece of meat, her clenched fist bloodstained and her little legs kicking. The Moonarc asked for complete silence in the room, she looked into the area that the child had grabbed and looked into the impression her little fingers had made. She then looked into the bright blues eyes of the child and closed her own eyes. In her mind, she reached out with a question. “If you really and trilillybee be a Child of the Sun Circle, one of those spoken of, in the Sacred Scrolls reveal unto us thy name.” The Moonarc held her breath and in the inner stillness of her being she felt the child’s vibrations that grew stronger in her mind, till crisply and as clear as a bell she heard “her voice” in her mind and deep in her spinal cord she felt a cold tingling sensation at first followed by a warmth that spread from her womb-loins, up through the pit of her stomach and reached to her very head-scalp, fingers tips and toes. Creschenta summoned her life force and spoke the words of name creatorship. “Our names are important for they can endow gifts or curses or celestial blessings. So by the ancestral spirits of the starscatter and the stardust within, this child’s name is Gamblod, the first Alpha of her name, The Omegan Time Warrior. Child of The Sun Circle, we welcome you to your new consecrated manifestation” As the Moonarc spoke, outside through the forest, there appeared the merest twinkling of lights, weaving its way through the trees, heading towards the house. The individual sparks of light appeared in a procession which spread for hundreds of meters, looking like an ethereal, golden path of light, through the forest and then the procession reached the house, The flickering light surrounded the house like it wanted to gain entrance. It was Jahreena, one of the Sisters of the Sacred Scrolls, who spotted the phenomenon first. She saw the light shining under the door and without realizing what she was doing, almost in a state of trance, she moved towards the door. The quartz crystal pendant she wore around her neck began to glow, all purplely and green. Before anyone could stop her Jahreena had reached out and opened the door and the light streamed in. The light was actually millions of fireflies and they swarmed into the room surrounding all the people in the room but they only landed on the child. Gamblod glowed golden with the flashing lights of the swarm of fireflies covering her. The magic of, nature and that of the child, filled the room and everyone present was filled with wonder at what they had just witnessed. The Child chuckled and gurgled, a sweet, bubbly, buttery, golden laughter. In the midst of all this, quietly behind the screen, the young woman who gave birth to Gamblod, breathed her last breath, just as the fire flies had entered the house and when they left, her soul went with them to take her next journey on the Golden Pathway. Her name was Rosalina Kattinski, Gamblod’s Mother and sacred birthing vessel. The Moonarc had decided what must be done. “Gamblod cannot stay here in this place” She paused “Or in this “time.” We cannot protect her. She must go back to the future for which she will be needed. We must take her to The Circle of Time Stones so she can travel through the Sun Circle and follow the golden pathway to the future times. Jahrreena spoke up. “If she is meant for future times, why is she here? Now ?” The Moonarc replied, “I do not know all the answers to the mysteries of the starryhavens but I do know that sometimes you have to go back to go forward, to go back again. Sometimes it is better when you are far away to make it appear that you a very near and when you are very near to appear to be far away. Even though we are here in “this now” the future is also happening somewhere. Not one of us has learnt how to use the Time Circle to travel like the Starmasons, maybe because we are not one of them, maybe the circle will only respond to one of them. We must take her to the Sun Circle to see how it responds to her and how she responds to it. Then we will know the options we have but we have no time to waste. We must be ready to move by first light before the maenkin return with their hangovers and tales from the maen caves” The Moonarc, the Sisters and the wombkin took Rosalina’s body and washed her and wrapped her in clean linen and scrollsongs of souldub were sung by all. Hot sensi-char and buttered sensi-scones were served by Amelia, that uplifted everyone to a higher sensory perception and gave them strength for the very important mission ahead. Creschenta knew this was her destiny, to save this Child from The Klaarnven and to save The Future and to ride The Bridge That Travels Among The Stars. “This was turning out to be a very special Wednesdayn night indeed” she thought to herself while enjoying her second cup of sensi-char. It was as she swallowed down the last, honey infused droplets of the delicious herbal sensi-char, as her head felt swirly and light, that she heard the Child’s voice deep in her mind. “THEY ARE COMING… You must take me to the Sun Circle, it is all prepared” Creschenta rose and looked around the circle of assembled wombnkin and said softly so as not to alarm anyone, “Wombnkin of Agatorah we are joined by the Blood Cycles of The Moon Lantern and this night we will perform the great “highest love” incantation. Let us gather up and prepare to go to the Time Stones for the new dayday sun will soon rise and kiss the sky, the land the and waters. Come, let’s be having you, there is no time to for chittle-chattling on the price chicklings on Greatey Market day in the land of Noggsee”. Amelia told one of her wombnkin to ready the donkey and cart and the rest of them gathered up in preparation to face the storm to reach the boundary before daynbrek. Amelia wrapped Gamblod up well and as she did so she thought about how the Child would survive without her Mothernkin. Who would love her like her own famnkin ? Sadness cloaked her mind and as she gathered her wetmac for the trek, Creshenta touched her arm, gently and spoke to her using “The Voice” “Sisterkin, I know your heartfeeling is breaking, but there are those as yet unborn who are relying on us, all of us, to find the strength to do what needs to be done here. Look around you, you are not alone and the starhavens of fate has brought us all here for a reason and the more you believe in this child, your daughter’s, daughter’s daughter, you will see that there are signs everywhere. The Time Circle has opened after many, many centuries as was foretold and here we have a child delivered from the future, for the future, as was foretold by Xcalibranc, blessings upon her name. It is the living time of the Sacred Scrolls. We, the Sisterhood, have kept the flame of knowledge burning through the ages and in our gatherings in the Sacred Space we have held hands in the Sacred Circle of Sisterhood, the Circle of Life and called upon the starhaven for the strength and understanding to assist the futureworld of life to be re-born again. We can do this but it’s going to need all of us in unity.” Amelia straightened herself up and spoke. “I am a simple wombkin, I know little of this world or worlds up in the starry sky but I do know this, when millions of fire flies surround your house and come in and make a child glow golden, then even I believe that we trillilybee on the pathway. I will not fail this child as Xcalibranc is my soul’s witness.” “That’s the spirit. Good, let us leave and head to the Boundary. This weather will make the journey even more difficult on foot” said Creschenta. The famkin wombnkin gathered up their belongings while outside the donkey and cart was made ready. Amelia climbed aboard with the child and with the Sisterhood leading the way, they headed off away from the humble house, away from the small piece of land they farmed, heading to the South Ends towards the Boundary and the Circle of Stones. The Boundary was a small stream that marked where the growland fields of the village ended and the wild forest began. Once it had been a source for the red rubiton stones. The wind and rain battered the congregation of brave wombkin and only the glow of the crystal in the Xcalibranc weirding staff, carried by the Moonarc, provided just enough light for them to make their way through the darkness. On reaching The Boundary they found that the stream, normally a trickle, was swollen with storm rain and was wider, faster flowing and waist high. A Klaarnven patrol that was nearby and had seen the cometeorite and the lights in the forest, they were led by two Riders on their specially bred baerwulfen. (Imagine a mix of brown bear and wolfdog, with the head of a wolfdog and fangs that crush bone added to the powerful body of a bear with massive claws that would rip a maen’s face right off with one blow). The patrol had come to investigate what was going on in Agatorah. The Klaarnven were Northmaen who had first come to raid this land 100 years previously and then had taken over, calling themselves Kriegenmaen, eldermaen and warriors of Odinsgatah. Primarily they were interested in raidwars and plunder but also farming and trading, which among things included slaves. They had subjugated and enslaved the peoples of the land and taxed them for crops and all the silver they could find. First they had raided and then they had settled there, bringing their own wombkin but had also violently taken wombkin of the land as breeders and it was their mixed off-spring that now ruled the land. They knew how to work metals and grow many crops that they had found on their journeys across the sea. They had forced the peoples of the land to mine the iron, copper, tin and silver. They had found precious stones like the red rubiton, the yellow yopals and the greenfire quartz, that they traded far and wide in their long ships. They had brought with them their War Gods like Odinsgatah, the cults of blood drinking, body tattoos and had spread darkness upon the land. They were however also interested in the starryhavens above for they used the stars to sail upon the seas to distant lands. The merging of the two peoples had eventually meant that over time the Klaarnven had been influenced by the knowledge that the Sisters held, they knew of the legends and recognised that this had kept the peoples of the land peaceful and submissive, so had allowed them to keep their some of their traditions and in some cases incorporated, a twisted version into their own rituals and practices. The patrol was led by two riders, Kriegsmaen, Krollkraan, The Battle Axe and KlingKlang The War Hammer, fatherkin and sonkin. Krollkraan ordered three of his maen to go ahead with his sonkin, Klingklang, to scout and to report back what they found. When Klingklang returned he informed his fatherkin that they had spotted some local wombkin travelling towards the boundary. He had told one maen to follow them while he went to report to his fatherkin with the others. Krollkraan found it unusual that wombkin would be travelling on such a foul night and gathered up the rest of the warriors and rode at speed to catch up with them. So now the scene was set as the Sisters of the Sacred Scrolls crossed the boundary, the Klaarnven were getting closer by the minute. The wombkin, led by Creschenta, waded into the fast flowing waters, the icy boundary’s waters chilling them to their weary bones. The water tugged at their clothes and weighed them down. Some stumbled and slipped beneath the dark, odourless liquid that forms the mighty seas, the rushing rivers and had to be pulled, gasping for air in the darkness of that night. The donkey panicked at some stage nearly tipping Amelia and baby Gamblod, into the dark swirling liquid. Strange how the water of life can also be, an instrument of death. There was no time for resting and Creschenta the Moonarc urged the wombkin using “The Voice”, she spoke softly but with an urgency that they all could feel. “Come Sisterkins for we are just like moons and like sunstars with their certainty of tides, we are the hopes of the futureworld, spring high now, for still we must rise to reach the circle of stones before daynbrek.” Creschenta checked that she still had the Valdon and the Hubblestone close to her bosom before she led on. Jahrreena came to her, to help the elderly Moomarc to her feet. Using Xcalibranc, the weirding staff and Jarreena’s arm, Creschenta got her balance and led them on deeper into the forest bending her head into the howling wind. Where she led, they followed. The Klaarnven maen that had been following them entered the swirling waters. His chainmail armour made it difficult for him and when he placed his foot upon a slippery rockstone beneath the water he slipped and was dragged beneath the icy cold water and was carried downstream struggling all the while. His kill-sword slipped from it’s his belt loop and sank to the bottom, deep into the mud of the streams floor. It would lay there entombed for centuries as time watched over it till it be re-discovered in the ages to come. Eventually the maen had struggled onto the bank on the other side but he had no idea where the wombkins had gone. Soaked and freezing he began making the call signal, that sounded like a pigeon of the woods, that would guide his fellow Klaarnven to him but the moaning winds ripped the sounds from his mouth. It was the noses of the baerwolfun and that ability to detect scents two thousand times more accurate than a humaen that lead the patrol to him. In the distance the first signs of the new daynbrek sunrise was appearing on the horizon. Creschenta, the Sisterkin, the wombkin, Amelia and the child had reached the three sets of stone circles without further drama. Set in a glade, a natural clearing in the forest where no large trees grew and the surrounding trees, that ringed the clearing, was the sacred home to the hoard of flocking black ravens, roosting in a large congress of avian unkindness. The red deer of the forest liked to come here and graze on the wildwood’s sweet grasses and the small prickly bushes and when it was “the season” to perform their head butting, battling stag mating duels and rituals. This had been the forest deer’s meeting place for thousands of years and was sacred to them too. This had also been the spot where the Starmasons had first manifested, where the light bridge that travels through space and time had arrived. It was they who had instructed the peoples how to use 'their' lazor light cutting tools and build the stone circles with 'their anti-gravity technology', assisting the first builders with their ability to levitate the massive blocks of stone. It was a very special place because here the Starmasons had buried a device that not only sent out a signal that was like a homing beacon in space and time but the device would open a two-way 'sun-stormgate', a portal that the light-bridge that travels through space could connect to. The stone circles were a lightbridge docking station. The Inner circle consisted of a smaller set of four double stone columns of an azure blue and yellow quartz that the Starmasons had created through nano-botic technology here to form the sungates portal, its zenzica quartz centre circle heart. The columns face north, south, east and west. In front of the circle was a zenzica quartz altar, made of a pure white crystal with veins of what looked like rivers of liquid gold It was here that the Sisters of the Sacred Scrolls brought Gamblod to, with the sun’s rising energy just starting to touch the stone circle. Creschenta the Moonarc gathered all the wombkin into a circle and asked them to join hands. Gamblod was placed within the quartz portal circle and as she was placed, she mind-linked with the Moonarc and spoke to her using the voice. The Moonarc had never felt such strength of persuasion at the core of a command request before... Gamblod’s technique was immaculate in its application. Gamblod “mind-linked and spoke” to Creschenta “The co-ordinates have been pre-selected as have you, you will step inside and come with me, this “you” will not be coming back to this place or time. Choose the truest devotee, one among you to pass on the Xcalibranc to and for them to testify among the Tribes what they witness here at this moment. You already know which one of them, her “shine” is pure”. Creschenta’s mind rippled with the child’s mental energy as social mergence synapatic transmission webs, like cobweb structures in her brain’s core were seemingly, blown apart, reconfigured, (Gamblod was preparing her proto-primate-brain organ for stargate travel) and rejuvenated in an instant gram by gram. Gamblod told her, “Do not be afraid, this is our Destiny. You and I shall ride the light bridge that travels between the stars, to the Cosmolo point in time, the optimum moment for the selected season of the tree of life’s destiny. Come, for others are searching for us and we must hurry for the Great Hive Future War, (against those that rule by use of the dark energy), Is Coming. The evil in high places knows it’s time is short but it will try everything and anything to stop the destiny. Hurry Sacred Sisterkin for the time is at hand and we must soon depart !” Creschenta was overwhelmed by the child’s ESP energy, its presence, and the residual effect, in her mind. It was like looking into a very bright light that you have to shade your eyes from. A light that filled every corner of her brain with a warm tingling feeling of tantalising expectation-ess that made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up as cascading waves upon waves of tingles, spread across her shaven dome. Scalding pins and needles prickled her sensitized scalp with Apex Mind Waves. The congregation of wombkin stared in amazement as while this was occurring the Moonarc had developed a very visible, golden energy aura that shimmered and danced like sunlight on the dappled flow of the River Nile, it was flowing all around her body. Some of the wombkin fell to their knees in shock more than anything. Only one stepped forward. Just like at the house when the flight of the fire flies had arrived surrounding the humble dwelling, it was Jahrreenah who was tele-kinetically moved to a response. On that occasion she opened the door now she stood before Creschenta the Moonarc. The rest of the other wombkins watched in wonderment as Creschenta gathered herself up, raised and proffered the Xcalibranc on the palms of her outstretched hands, “Sacred Sisterkin the time has come to pass on Xcalibranc to our next chosen Moonarc bloodline. The Voice of the Light has chosen Jahrreenah to be your New Sacred Moonarc, for the inner beauty truth that is her shining soul as manifested in her wisdom and compassion. I am going away and I know you will advise and assist your new Moonarc, Guardian of the Light of the Knowledge of The Thirty Three Scrolls, the way you have assisted and protected me from harm and hate. Come Jahrreena now is the time for you to take the Xcalibranc staff, the symbol of wisdom and leadership.” Jahrreena spluttered, “I don’t want it. I.. I don’t deserve it. It is too much responsibility to be expected of anyone, let alone me. I do not seek power.” Creschenta used “The Voice” but it seemed her psychic energy was stronger since the mind-link with Gamblod. “This is the very reason you have been chosen, those that seek power are seduced by its “whispering voice”, a true leader empowers those around them, sharing responsibility to lead collectively to achieve goals and targets for the greater good. Your heart and soul have been found pure. Come forward and accept your true destiny.” With that Creschenta knelt upon one knee and offered up Xcalibranc to the shocked Jahrreenah who stepped forward, bowed her head and took the weirding staff of authority, firmly in both hands. The Elder Moonarc released her hold on the Xcalibranc and stood up and as she did so Jahrreena knelt and spoke, “If this be the will of the Spirit of Succession, I promise to defend the knowledge of love and light for all, in this time and in times yet to come. Bless the Xcalibranc and let blessing rain upon her that leadeth the way to the opening of the Sacred Doorway to The Golden Pathway of Souls. Let the spirits, of the forests, of the land, of the waters of life and of the moon and stars, join with us in this higher love sanctification.” Creschenta placed both her hands upon her head and head and said. “Higher love is the higher purpose. Love not hate, peace not fear. “Higher purpose is the highest love ! All life is One. Blessings upon you” Jahreena arose and taking Creschenta’s hand the two of them turned to face the small gathering and in response they began chanting the mantra, “Higher purpose is the highest love ! Love not fear, peace not hate Higher purpose is the highest love ! All life is One ” Over and over and over again and again. Creschenta encouraged Jahreennah to go and join them and as they gathered around their new Moonarc, Creschenta turned and took out the Valdon, she took the Hubblestone and placed it in the curved space in the handle. It was immediately locked into position and the display area began to react. Creshenta picked up the child and stepped into the inner circle. The standing stones began to glow. There was a sizzling, swooshing sound, like when cold water touches hot metal, a flash of golden light and Creshenta and The Child disappeared from view.
    LEROY COOPER & YOUTUBE : THE DIGITAL PRESENCEThis was my acting debut in a full length feature film. I have gone on to direct my own short film making projects. I feel more comfortable behind the camera, directing, script writing / screenplay adaptation, editing. This was a most enlightening experience however ... it brought home to me that film making is a team effort and while directors, actors amd writers get The Oscars, this would not be possible without the army of production crew that the viewer of any feature length film never gets
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    Freelance CreativeHench & Peng
    Liverpool, United KingdomFreelance
    (hons) BA Fine ArtLiverpool John Moores University
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    Deconstructure of Western Art Movements to enter the 21st Century with a New Vision and Concept for Art Expression in the Digital Age from the aspects of Cultural Diversity, Social Inclusion and Gender Empowerment.