Mercedes Lucena

Mercedes Lucena

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
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Fede Zordan
Aditya Parab
Mercedes Lucena

Mercedes Lucena

Creative DirectorLondon, United Kingdom
About me
Always up to a challenge and to get out of my comfort zone, I am an award-winning creative director from Spain, currently based in London. I have worked with big brands for multinational agencies for more than fifteen years. Ah! and I've been fortunate enough to do it in Madrid, Mexico City, Miami, Santiago de Chile, and Barcelona.
    CALVO TUNA/THEY KNOW ITYou can't sneak anything--we mean anything--past these eagle-eyed moms in this thriller-like spot. The creepiness of the "Psycho" sort sets in as mothers use their sixth sense to uncover their families' little deceits or bad behavior, but in the end, there's a pay-off to their cunning: they will detect if a tuna is not real tuna for sure!
    AD COUNCIL /OUR STORIESThis campaign for the Ad Council is my last significant work published. I am especially attached to it because it is about the early signs of Alzheimer's, and I got to know and interview these people IRL. We collaborated with two Oscar winners, the musician Gustavo Santaolalla and the artist Bastien Dubois to bring their stories to life. Plus, it won a Webby Award this year, voted online by the public worldwide during the lockdown!
    COCA-COLA/DIVERSE FAMILIESThere are many different types of families today and this commercial is dedicated to all of them. They are proof that there is not only one formula for happiness.
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Work history
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    Working on a WPP Global Pitch, Pfizer, Sadia (Brazil Foods), Marley Coffee, and "Borderless" (a think tank platform for Grey's world's most challenging clients), I worked for Braun, Venus, and GSK PLC New York's office’s briefs.
    McCann London logo
    McCann London logo
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    I helped on a global Iqos pitch, with twenty agencies of the network involved.
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  • Concept
  • Storytelling
  • Art Direction
  • Digital Advertising
  • Creative Stragegy
  • Digital Content
  • Concept Development
  • Presentations
  • Pitching
  • Social Media Advertising
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid logo
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid logo
    Specialist in Advertising ManagementUniversidad Complutense de Madrid
     - Madrid, Spain
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid logo
    Universidad Complutense de Madrid logo
    Bachelor's Degree in Advertising and Public RelationsUniversidad Complutense de Madrid
     - Madrid, Spain
    The Webby Awards logo
    The Webby Awards logo
    Websites Webby WinnerThe Webby Awards
    2020 Websites Webby Winner Charitable Organizations/Non Profit “Our Stories” Alzheimer’s Awareness Campaign by The Ad Council.
    *SeveralClub de Creativos
    2002 Merit Award for “Bad Vibes,” Zapping 2002 Merit Award for “Monster S.A.” Pressbook,” Disney. 2003 Merit Award for “El Florido Pensil,” Disney. 2004 Gold Award for “The Jungle Book II,” Disney. 2004 Direct Marketing Silver Award for “The Good Old Naughty Days PressBook,” Mate. 2004: 3 Merit Awards for the print campaign “Tortures,” LAT. 2005: 4 Merit awards for “Spirit I & II” and “Rostros,” Castilla-La Mancha. 2008: 2 Merit Awards for the radio campaign “Testimonio I &II”, Paramount Comedy. 2008: 1 Merit award for “Chascarrillo Operation”, Paramount Comedy. 2010 Silver Award for “Regala Memoria”, AFAL. 2010 Merit Award for “Sandpaper Man”, Procter & Gamble. 2012: 3 Radio Merit Awards for “Sr. Vicente Loureiro”, “Sra. Mari Carmen Gómez” & “Sr. Valentín Pizarro”, NH Hotels. 2013: 2 Silver & 3 Merit awards for “The Know it,” Calvo. 2014 Merit Award for “Weather Man,” “Keys” & “Plasma TV,” Calvo. 2016 Bronze Award & Merit Award for “Self Deception,” Calvo. 2016 Merit Award for “Friends of the Terraces,” Ikea. 2016 Gold Award for “Families,” Coca-Cola. 2018 Bronze Award for “Guiris,” Spanish Xmas Lottery. 2018 Bronze Award for “Danielle,” Spanish Xmas Lottery. 2018 Merit Award for “Cervantes,” El Niño” Spanish Lottery.
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