Nancy Vu

Nancy Vu

account execLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Poppy Jamieson
Denise Chippindale
Nancy Vu

Nancy Vu

account execLondon, United Kingdom
  • Blade Runner Photoshoot
    Blade Runner PhotoshootFashion shoot with Jason Arber (@Arbernaut) for his photography website inspired by my outfit worn at the 2019 Secret Cinema Blade Runner event. My credits: model, makeup artist, creative direction, stylist
  • The Cheeky Panda - Social Media Marketing Proposal
    The Cheeky Panda - Social Media Marketing ProposalI led a team in researching and developing marketing strategies to boost The Cheeky Panda's social media channels. I created original content (photographs of products, stories, graphics, highlights) and demonstrated this on a mock instagram page to visually showcase our rebrand ideas. We pitched our strategies to the CEO and Marketing Director and they were implemented subsequently on the brand's social media channels.
  • Minimal 2 Faces Kissing
    Minimal 2 Faces KissingFor a personal project, I drew this on Procreate and created a printed poster through Photoshop.
    University of Cambridge logo
    University of Cambridge logo
    Bachelor of Arts (BA) University of Cambridge
     - Cambridge, United Kingdom