Pete Clayton

Pete Clayton

Freelance IllustratorPlymouth, United Kingdom
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Pip Jamieson
Erin Aniker
James W Ruth
Pete Clayton

Pete Clayton

Freelance IllustratorPlymouth, United Kingdom
About me
I am an illustrator living and working in Plymouth, UK I learned my trade at Plymouth Art College and then later at Cardiff School of Art. I also lived and worked in Estonia for 5 years, honing my skills as a creative, before moving back to my home town of Plymouth with the fam. I specialise in array of disciplines including editorial illustration, children’s book illustration, social media and marketing campaigns and packaging. My creative aesthetic combines humour with both digital and hand-drawn styles
  • Lunchbox Illustrations with Big Fan
    Lunchbox Illustrations with Big FanHere’s a project I worked on with London based agency Big Fan. The illustrations below were part of a rebrand and form a intrinsic part of the look and feel of the website the client, Lunchbox.
  • By the power of illustration
    By the power of illustrationHere’s a short read about the power of illustration for all your communication needs and the strength in using the medium and how it’s super powers and can help save the day.
  • What’s Under the Hood?
    What’s Under the Hood?What’s Under the Hood? I met a fellow illustrator recently who wanted to know a bit more about me and what made me tick as a creative and thought it would be nice to share with you what’s under the hood... or rather in my head! Here’s a little something, something just for you! Who A creative with insatiable thirst for communicating ideas through the majesty of illustration, design and animation. What: What propels me is a big heart fuelled by a passion for a creative life which drives me for
  • Everybody is a Genius
    Everybody is a GeniusBut if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid!
  • Teamwork is key for a great mix that makes a successful project. Simple!
    Teamwork is key for a great mix that makes a successful project. Simple!Instead of me working for people I prefer the idea of a collaborative meeting of minds, of what a client needs and what a creative can do well. When those two things get together we get to the creative sweet spot to the good life with happy faces, smiling over a job well done. There’s a real value in that collaboration when both parties really understand the value of the process, craft and goal that goes into a successful project. Whether it’s illustration, logo design or a marketing campaign,
  • Connecting Dots
    Connecting DotsGonna get a bit deep now…. ‘Connecting dots’ is a phrase someone said to me yesterday when I thanked them for introducing me to a new client. And it got me thinking about connections both professional and personal and how good things can come from them. How a little connection, understanding or help, whether it's through social media, email or face to face, can go a long way and ultimately if we ALL tried to connect and help one another out we could make an even bigger impact!!! But as I have
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Work history
    IllustratorWunderman Thompson
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
  • Editorial Illustration
  • Logo Design
  • Illustration
  • Marketing Campaigns
  • Social Communications
  • Packaging
  • Iconography