Side Hustle/ Illustration

Teamwork is key for a great mix that makes a successful project. Simple!

  • Pete Clayton

Instead of me working for people I prefer the idea of a collaborative meeting of minds, of what a client needs and what a creative can do well. When those two things get together we get to the creative sweet spot to the good life with happy faces, smiling over a job well done. There’s a real value in that collaboration when both parties really understand the value of the process, craft and goal that goes into a successful project. Whether it’s illustration, logo design or a marketing campaign, I really love the value and creativity I and others can bring to a project and communicate a client’s story. I don’t like to rant or moan BUT I just simply want people to feel the same way I do about what creativity can do for a business or cause. Whether it’s me with my pens or a copywriter with their words, there’s real value in working WITH people and not for people. Also from a creative perspective it’s not about settling for a quick fix like an online, automated logo maker for example. I’ve been told recently after completing a logo project that I got the client thinking about straplines and how they present themselves going forward to potential customers. That is added value on top of what they asked for and that came from collaboration with a real life creative human being and of course experience and understanding the goal. With all this in mind I have been really open minded about future relationships and people’s needs and also about business in general. But also understanding where my value fits in to everything and how to communicate that to people so they feel the same way as I do about all creativite and juicy materials we can produce together! I try to have faith in myself and realise the value I can bring to a project and I think through that clients will understand and appreciate that value too.