Tajwar Aziz

Tajwar Aziz

Innovation | Design | CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Pip Jamieson
Nadine Grant
David Weatherhead
Tajwar Aziz

Tajwar Aziz

Innovation | Design | CreativeLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I design products that are backed by user feedback, build brands that are supported by strategy and engineer experiences that are established through empathy. I focus on the long term goal and use a mix of design thinking and lean startup methodologies.
  • Break within a break
    Break within a breakBreak within a break reveals shortcomings within the food system, and seeks to act on them through design interventions. London seems to have a robust food system on the surface; however lack of access to food within communities is prevalent, leaving some Londoners reliant on food banks and emergency food services. 8% of parents in London have flagged that due to lack of funds, their children miss meals. My thesis project explored design interventions within this food system.
  • The Borborigmynometer // Gwangju Design Biennale
    The Borborigmynometer // Gwangju Design BiennaleMethane gas is a source of fuel which is currently causing quarter of the world’s global warming. It has been discovered that agriculture contributes to 18% or more of the world’s methane emissions. Microbes in the stomachs of cows, that help the animal break down its food, produce methane that then gets released into the atmosphere through their burps and flatulence. Our research also pointed to the fact that termites also produce methane gas; however their colonies filter the gas before it di
  • London Design Festival // The People's Plastic
    London Design Festival // The People's PlasticAn average Londoner gets through 175 bottles of water each year. Plastic bottles are cheap, convenient, and easily accessible. When we are on the go, often thirst takes hold of us, we may not stop to consider the environment. This falls into a poor second place to the need to quench that growing thirst. We then find our way into the closest cafe or store, reach for a bottle, then dispose of it, forgetting that there is more to its lifecycle. We live in a world where smokers are glared at on the
  • Pockit
    PockitThis project considered ways to disrupt by imagining technological futures that are open, transparent and empowering. It builds on ideas about ‘open source’ design; guiding people to make and modify their own technologies as a means to revive democracy with citizens who are informed and actively engaged in creating their technological futures. We worked alongside the Interaction Research Studio, an entity within Goldsmiths that explores design-led research methods. They design products to creat
  • the fear within
    the fear withinWe all feel fear. Sometimes we fear fear itself. This work focuses on those everyday familiar fears, breaking them down to explore the situations in which these fears may emerge. A problem recognised is a problem half solved. It is intended that this work enables teenagers to think about and recognise this feeling as the fear it is. Each fear is followed by an activity. The activities reflect the overall concept of the work, in that it further explores the fear. The following project is a final
  • P@SHA ICT AWARDS | Branding
    P@SHA ICT AWARDS | BrandingThe P@sha ICT Awards are an annual award ceremony event organized by P@sha to celebrate innovation in the Pakistan IT sector and helps promotes innovators internationally. Pakistan Software Houses Association for IT & ITES P@SHA is the sole trade association in Pakistan representing the IT & ITES industry; it was registered in 1993 which also makes it one of the oldest ICT associations of the region.
Work history
    Design Fellowship#OneLess
     - London, United KingdomFreelance
    A three month project looking at the challenge of reducing single-use plastic bottles and inspire refill culture in London. My group's project was called 'The People's Plastic', plastic for the people by the people. We worked on questioning consumer choices to ignite a behavioral shift; so that individuals reconsider their primary source for drinking water on the go. The interventions also seek to make plastic water bottles socially unacceptable, to make it difficult to follow the mainstream which is to carry plastic bottles. We had the opportunity to exhibit at the London Design Festival in the Brompton Design District.
    Creative & UX DesignerPollen8
     - London, United KingdomFull Time
    I helped our clients visualise their ventures. Through collaboration with these intrapreneurs, I prototype digital products, services and experiences. By building compelling user journeys, we are able to build human centered products.
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  • Advertising Graphic Design
  • Adobe Indesign/illustrator/photoshop
  • Communication
  • Design for Startups
  • Brand Concept
  • Copywriting
  • Innovation Strategy
  • Sustainable Design
  • Design Thinking
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    MA Expanded Design Practice, Innovation and SerGoldsmiths, University of London
     - London, United Kingdom
    Bachelor of New Media ArtsSouthern Polytechnic State University
     - Marietta, United States
    Selected for state department exchange programme to the United States, as within the top 4 performers of the batch.
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    DistinctionIndus Valley School of Art & Architecture
    T-shirt design competitionSouthern Polytechnic State University
    The T-shirt design was selected for the Health Game Jam 2014 hosted by and at Southern Polytechnic State University. Over 400 participants from all over Georgia participated in the competition supported by the CDC, Idea Lab and HRSA.