Tam Izzett

Tam Izzett

Graphic DesignerUnited Kingdom
+ Info


Rory Russell (Posterboy)
Becky Sidwell
Nicolle Knapová
Tam Izzett

Tam Izzett

Graphic DesignerUnited Kingdom
About me
Hi I'm Tam, a graphic designer/illustrator working in the UK. I enjoy creating fresh and bold design, making custom fonts/lettering, and keeping it fun while still professional. Being environmentally conscious is very important to me, in both my personal and work life. I try and bring this to any job I do, whether that is working with like-minded businesses or bringing eco-alternatives ideas to others. If you'd like to work together here's my email: tamizzettgraphics@gmail.com
  • Wealth Hogging poster series
    Wealth Hogging poster seriesWealth hogging is a Global problem. Today, rich countries are 80 x wealthier than poor countries. Annually, wealthy countries send approximately $130,000,000,000 in aid to poorer countries. So why is the gap still growing? This project aimed to simplify data on wealth hogging and the growing gap between classes with the intention of educating/informing as well as exploring the possible answers to the above question. The trickle-down effect // 01 The black triangles represent the approximate % o
  • The Glamour of it all
    The Glamour of it allWith Drag now taking up its space in modern pop culture it seems it has come far beyond the small underground clubs it was born in. This got me thinking. Where is it going now? Where actually IS is now? What does drag mean to people? What is the community like? What goes on before and after the shows that the public don't see? To answer these questions I interviewed members of the modern Drag community from all around the world to gather their opinions and knowledge to inform this book. I was
  • Eco-Shopper App design and Idea
    Eco-Shopper App design and IdeaSo many people are unaware of how big of an effect they can have in helping to save the planet in the small things they do, every day small changes like the choices you make when shopping. Many ingredients used in everyday items we buy as well as their packaging and transportation are contributing to global warming, deforestation, and pollution. By using the Eco-Shopper app users will be given easy to understand data about the impact of the products they are purchasing. Making it simple to use
+ Show more
Projects credited in
  • University of Portsmouth, BA(Hons) Graphic Design
    University of Portsmouth, BA(Hons) Graphic DesignThe BA (Hons) Graphic Design degree course at the University of Portsmouth is a multi-award winning and inclusive course. Students bring their creative ideas to life using the latest software, design processes and professional tools. Our students have access to a dynamic and creative studio space which provides a friendly, flexible and welcoming environment in which they are encouraged to interact and learn alongside both tutors and peers. During the course students are introduced to a range of
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Animation
  • Photo Editing
  • Branding
  • Logo Design
  • Typography Lettering
    University of Portsmouth logo
    University of Portsmouth logo
    (BA hons) Graphic DesignUniversity of Portsmouth
    Portsmouth, United Kingdom
    I have just finished my Graphics degree and in October will be starting my MA Graphic design course also at Portsmouth University.