Tanya Boyarkina

Tanya Boyarkina

Curator and Creative ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
+ Info


Femi Omo
The Hub
Jessica Beechey
Tanya Boyarkina

Tanya Boyarkina

Curator and Creative ProducerLondon, United Kingdom
About me
I'm a curator, researcher and creative/digital producer aiming to demystify complex technological processes through playful, collaborative and participative formats. --> tanyaboyarkina.com
Projects credited in
  • Turbine Festival | 2015
    Turbine Festival | 2015Turbine Festival at Tate Modern was a free, all-ages celebration with music, performance, film, installations, food and drop-in activities.
  • Late at Tate Britain: December 2020
    Late at Tate Britain: December 2020Website: https://www.tate.org.uk/whats-on/online-event/late/late-tate-britain-online Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1088582888278714/ Explore the work of young creatives with online workshops, artist's talks and music Join the Tate Collective Producers for this month’s Late at Tate Britain online. It’s a monthly mix of film, music and career advice. We also invited Tate Collective Producers and students from Chelsea College of Arts to respond to the Turner’s Modern World exhibition
  • Late at Tate Britain Online November 2020
    Late at Tate Britain Online November 2020Late at Tate Britain Online November 2020 https://www.facebook.com/events/114656003231423 Explore the work of young creatives with online workshops, artist's talks and music Join the Tate Collective Producers for this month’s Late at Tate Britain online. It’s a monthly mix of film, music and career advice. We also invited creatives to respond to the work of artist Chila Kumari Singh Burman who recently unveiled a stunning new installation at Tate Britain as part of the Winter Commission series.
  • Late at Tate Britain Online October 2020
    Late at Tate Britain Online October 2020Late at Tate Britain Online October 2020 https://www.facebook.com/events/3416141651809428/ Tune in for a night of artist talks, performance and workshops exploring quarantine and isolation. Programmed by Tate Collective Producer Kori, this online Late reflects on lockdown and goes behind the scenes at Tate Britain using artists like Francis Bacon and Henry Moore as inspo. PROGRAMME � Stream 1: Films, artist talks & workshops � - Tate Collective Producer Showcase: The World Keeps Spinning - How
  • Late at Tate Britain Online September 2020
    Late at Tate Britain Online September 2020Late at Tate Britain Online September 2020 https://www.facebook.com/events/723438054851794/ Explore the work of young creatives with online workshops, artist's talks and music The Tate Collective Producers are teaming up with alternative thinktank IAM to ask the question: How can young citizens participate in the transformation of art museums during the next billion seconds? We will also be joined by ERIC and digital designer Sarah-Grace Mankarious for an artist talk and workshop. PROGRAMME �
  • Late at Tate Britain: Social Justice, Friday 6 September 2019
    Late at Tate Britain: Social Justice, Friday 6 September 2019Creating a space for creative protest and debate Protest and demonstrations often play a key role in affecting political change. Our 1819: The Year’s Art display focuses on work from the year of the Peterloo Massacre. The massacre took place in St Peter’s Field, Manchester. A meeting calling for political reform was brutally broken up by soldiers. Fifteen people died. In response to this display, Tate Collective Producers and Plymouth College of Art are joining together to make Tate Britain a
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Work history
    Compiler logo
    Compiler logo
    London, United KingdomPart Time
    Mediale logo
    Mediale logo
    Creative ProducerMediale
     - London, United KingdomPart Time
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  • Art Curation
  • Research
  • Events Production
  • Project Management
  • Ideas Development
  • Critical Thinking
  • Programme Development
  • Audience Engagement
  • Creative Direction
  • Digital Arts
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    Goldsmiths, University of London logo
    MA Digital CultureGoldsmiths, University of London
     - London, United Kingdom
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    University of The Arts London (UAL) logo
    BA Sound Arts and DesignUniversity of The Arts London (UAL)
     - London, United Kingdom