Tony Swaby

Tony Swaby

DesignerUnited Kingdom
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Maxim Young
Chrissa Amuah
Yarza Twins
Tony Swaby

Tony Swaby

DesignerUnited Kingdom
  • Digital stylings
    Digital stylingsExploring portraits
  • Joy Monitor
    Joy MonitorThe Joy Principle is all about recognising the value of joy and how it affects our happiness and gives us strength.
  • Illustration
  • "Unlock Design" poster series
    "Unlock Design" poster seriesWhen something is designed its purpose is focused. It has an objective. It is much more than decoration. When something is designed it has intention. It is much more than problem solving. Design shapes our world, don't underestimate its power.
  • Stick(ish) men
    Stick(ish) menAccording to Wikipedia cave paintings are a type of parietal art (which category also includes petroglyphs, or engravings), found on the walls or ceilings of caves. The term usually implies prehistoric origin, but cave paintings can also be of recent production: In the Gabarnmung cave of northern Australia, the oldest paintings certainly predate 28,000 years ago, while the most recent ones were made less than a century ago. I see these early forms of visual communication as a vital part of human
  • CareerNodes - 360° career navigation
    CareerNodes - 360° career navigationTake control of your career. Set goals and track your progress. Share your nodes with employers and agencies.
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  • Creative