CareerNodes - 360° career navigation

  • Tony Swaby
Take control of your career. Set goals and track your progress. Share your nodes with employers and agencies.
CareerNodes transforms career management. It allows people to plan where they want to be and let employers and agencies help them to get there. It eliminates the need for jobs boards and recruitment advertising. Once someone is registered they can choose one or more recruiters to help manage their career; suggest opportunities and mentors etc.
Students can register and use CareerNodes throughout their career(this applies to everyone). Companies can use the system to manage their workforce with the CPD, Talent Pool & Succession Planning tools.
The process is simple. You build your profile, add where are now and where you want to be (and your proximity to it). Then you select an agent/recruiter from the ones registered on the system to help you get where you want to be (you can have more than one).
The skill matching tools in the system allow employers to identify candidates for internal recruitment, and agents to identify suitable candidates. The matching is done against both current skills and also those working towards having the required skills (allowing for advanced succession planning).