Troy Deans

Troy Deans

CinematographerWatford, United Kingdom
+ Info


Prisu Gurung
Katharine Booth
sean rio
Troy Deans

Troy Deans

CinematographerWatford, United Kingdom
About me
Thrillionaire Productions, University of Winchester. Looking desperately to start my career in the industry.
  • Inlucid (script in progress)
    Inlucid (script in progress)
  • Voldemort (unofficial script in-progress)
    Voldemort (unofficial script in-progress)A tale of resentment and pain, young Tom Riddle would go on later in life to become the most infamous dark wizard. But exactly how did he get to that point? When did he discover some truths about his past, how did he create his horcruxes, and just how did he amass an army so vile? Written as an episodic seven-part mini-series, I plan to delve into the background of this infamous character in new, authentic detail, with numerous surprises along the way. Covering nearly 30 years of background...
  • redundant
    redundantA short film creating stylised visual imagery, 'redundant' aims to utilize a lack of speech, narrative and story, to create the powerful feeling of isolation. All you have is the following of a nameless character, and what you make of the imagery is purely left for your interpretation.
  • Blood Star
    Blood StarA short western script that aims to highlight the costs of revenge and obsession. Blood Star is a short story that explores the mental effects of violence and trauma, using the western genre to explore these themes. Traumatised by events prior, Sadie struggles to maintain herself, whilst The Outlaw does everything in his power to protect her from the corrupt forces that pursue them.
  • Blurred
    BlurredThe depths of narrative purgatory is the ultimate sin for screenwriters. In this short, we follow two of them, as they discuss, in silence, the ordeal they find themselves in and the punishments for writing situations which are not deemed appropriate.
  • New Solution?
    New Solution?As Director of Photography on this project, a unique visual style had to be brought to a unique idea, that poses many questions on society as a whole. How far have we actually come in the past 100 years? Why are we still trapped? How far has immigration in our politcal society come?
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Projects credited in
  • Inlucid (script in progress)
    Inlucid (script in progress)
Work history
    InteractorWarner Bros. Discovery
    Watford, United KingdomFull Time
    I currently work within the Warner Bros. Studio Tour London: The Making of Harry Potter. I work within the tour, getting the oppurtunity to go into the real sets, handle the real props and costumes: and talk about all of them! I do speeches sometimes in front of a couple of hundred people, and share the filmmaking craft and my love for the series every day.
    Sales AssistantWarner Bros Studio Tour
    Watford, United KingdomFull Time
  • Screenwriting
  • Cinematography
  • Cameras
  • Directing
  • Editing
  • Graphic Design
  • Audio
  • Running
  • Communication
    Film Production BA (Hons)University of Winchester
    Winchester, United Kingdom
    I graduated from here with an upper second-class, choosing to tackle Cinematography and Writing as my main focuses. I also learned the skills required for at least all basic traing for almost every department/role on-set, including; Gaffer, Clapper, Director, AD, Script Supervisor, as well as a basic knowledge in editing.