Vickie Ward

Vickie Ward

Founder | Apple Entrepreneur Camp AlumniExmoor, UK
+ Info


Ivan Verkalets
elise joseph
Hamza Bouhouch
Vickie Ward

Vickie Ward

Founder | Apple Entrepreneur Camp AlumniExmoor, UK
About me
Working with Nature creating real, natural cheeses using the organic effects of mushrooms and other plants. Easterdown is inspired by a combination of history, folklore and modern science. Our principles are: 1. Reinventing the old in light of the new.
 To rediscover lost artisan cheesemaking using history and folk tales. Then validate these with scientific tools. 2. Small Cheesemaking is Beautiful Cheesemaking 
The scale of cheesemaking at Easterdown will not be dictated by whether it can scale up to supermarket supply levels or not. 3. To follow natural laws, to question conventional practices. 4. To innovate gently and with sympathy. To create cheese out of milk from our own livestock. High welfare. Holistic management. To make cheese and live using as few fossil fuels as possible. Easterdown was off grid when we bought it and we have chosen to remain that way using a combination of solar panels, batteries, modern electronics and an LPG generator for just-in-case power. Core values: Questioning, Transparent, Unconventional, Environmentalist, Synergistic
  • Regenerative Grazing
    Regenerative GrazingZero fossil fuel garden lawn mowing
  • Magic @ Easterdown
    Magic @ EasterdownHere at Easterdown we use our own home made electrons to do the heavy lifting and monitoring for us.
  • Cheese from Rare Breed Devon Closewool Sheep
    Cheese from Rare Breed Devon Closewool SheepFirst we gather them in
Projects credited in
  • International Women’s Day 2022, meet 100 rising stars inspiring change
    International Women’s Day 2022, meet 100 rising stars inspiring changeWe still have a way to go when it comes to improving gender diversity and equality in the creative, tech and digital industries – which is why it is so important for us, as a platform, to use our force for good. We’re thrilled to be releasing our annual list celebrating and shining a spotlight on 100+ rising stars – as nominated by The Dots community – who are transforming the industry of today and inspiring the generation of tomorrow. The list beams with brilliant, talented people and their d
Work history
    Listening VolunteerSamaritans
    Taunton, United KingdomPart Time
    Samaritans vision is that fewer people die by suicide. Samaritan mission - We make sure there’s someone there for anyone who needs someone. We give people ways to cope and the skills to be there for others. Samaritans have five core values. They're supported by these behaviours, which we share within the Samaritans organisation: support, trust, aspirational and respect. Listening Exploring feelings alleviates distress and helps people to reach a better understanding of their situation and the options open to them. Confidentiality If people feel safe, they are more likely to be open about their feelings. Non-judgemental We want people to be able to talk to us without fear of prejudice or rejection. People making their own decisions wherever possible People making their own decisions We believe that people have the right to find their own solution and that telling people what to do takes responsibility away from them. Human contact Giving people time, undivided attention and empathy meets a fundamental emotional need and reduces distress and despair.
    Easterdown Ltd logo
    Easterdown Ltd logo
    FounderEasterdown Ltd
    Exmoor, UKFull Time
  • Food Creation
  • Computer Programming
  • Active Listening