Any video editors that would like to gain more experience or would like more work ? Pay up to £500 per month+ training .


  • Hi Theodora,
    I am interested in your offer.

    Here is my website with some of my works and info on me:

    All best,

  • Hi,
    I will definitely be interested in this as there is always something to learn in video editing. Can find my portfolio: and feel free to message at
  • Hi Theodora,
    I’ve been working on a food company for the last 3 years directing and editing the ads.

    Your offer sounds interesting. Excited to hear more about.

  • Hi Theodora,

    I'm a freelance video editor based in London and I would love to hear more about this. You can take a look at my previous work here: If you think it's a good fit then do message me.

    Thank you,

  • I'm a self-taught video editor, have made marketing videos for the Royal Court Theatre, The Royal Ballet School among others.

    My portfolio can be found here:

    I'd love to hear more!
  • Hiya,
    I would love to find out more details. I have been editing for 3 years focused on branded content, events and narrative. I recently finished editing a short film I shot and produced, and I also have experience in content and film production as well.

    You can see my portfolio of work here:

    Thank you!
  • Hey! I would love to work with you.
    I have 3 years of experience in videography, photography and editing. I started with beauty retouching and moved to fashion videos and short experimental videos. I also worked as a freelance creative director for a jewellery company.
    Please see my portfolio here:
  • Hello!
    I would be very interested to know more details. I am a director but also work as an editor. Here is a link to my work:

    Thank you!
  • Hi Theodora,

    I'm available I'm happy to know more about this opportunity.
    Please check my website:

    Thank you!
  • Hi! I'm also very interested
    My email is and this is some of my works
  • Definitely keen, looking to pivot from education back into a content role! Showreel:
  • hi this sounds great! im a recent graduate of University of the Arts London, here are links to some of my work and Linkedin
  • Email:
    Instagram: @eddiecheaba

    Hope to hear from you soon
  • @Jack Pulford hi jack ! Is 500 for editing + training that we provide . We are on a low budget so this would better fit someone who wants to gain experience but already has the knowledge. We work with various brand and need a hand in getting on with projects . Would be basically colour grading +putting things together. If interested send me your contact details and will get in touch :D thank you !

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