Genuinely curious, what are some things that inspire your creativity?

For when we find ourselves in a rut.


  • @george crisp Laughter's the cheapest medicine, as George Byron once said. There is a psychological effect behind it, and it is stunning in how it can make us feel.

    Yes, music is probably one of the top things that inspire me the most. I too keep an open mind to different kinds of music, as long as it's coherent. I appreciate lyrical depth in a song. :)
  • @Vikki Ross I like how open your creative process is!

    I've never thought to take inspiration in that way, as I'm quite 'particular' in what triggers my imagination. I might have to try this approach, when I do find myself facing a creative block.

    Yes, absolutely love what you said about space and time. Scenery and taking it easy greatly help in clarifying my mind too.

    Thank you for sharing this Vicki.

  • something that makes me laugh loud and long always gets me going. it might be something like an old sctv or kids in the hall skit on youtube, or rick and morty. 'a day without laughter is a day wasted' -- chamfort.

    that, and music, of all kinds. (i write about music.)
  • Reading - not just books and articles on creativity but anything about anything. Even the pizza delivery menu.

    Learning from others on podcasts or at industry events - many of which you'll find listed here on The Dots.

    Listening in to people's conversations as we pass each other on the street - just one snippet might inspire an idea or a line.

    Space and time - the more I rest and get a change of scenery (could just be going for a walk around my local park), the more free I feel to think more clearly and creatively.
  • @Scott Morrison Sounds wicked! Thank you for sharing your insight and suggestions! Will definitely check those books out! :)
  • I’d read Rick Ruben’s book and indulge yourself in the lessons it provides.


    Our book, Creative Superpowers encourages you to hone the skills of hacker, maker, teacher, thief.

    I spend time working on each of those skills as a way of inspiring my own creativity.

    Stay Boom!


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