Have you found a functional, working balance of work, exercise and art practice, in your day-to-day?

For contractors especially, with varied working hours and load. Please do share your method! I'm fascinated by productivity, meaningful work, and personal expansion. I trust everyone's path is different, but I'd love to hear what you've landed on (as a personal interest).


  • Productivity in the day-to-day is fascinating. Especially at the moment, its becoming ever more evident how the meaning of it changes from person to person. Productivity, for me currently, depends on the smalest of things; fulfilling tasks like cleaning or eating to be able to balance university tasks and my personal projects from home. For others I know it entails ensuring they excersise outside regularly and keeping in the right headspace to keep work flowing on a regular track. With a lot of self-led learning and independant work happening right now, and that feeling of time at our finger tips, everyone seems to be rediscovering personal ways of tackling the productivity of the day.
  • I think I'm getting there! cutting the day into segments certainly helps. An hour for this, two hours for that. Sometimes it doesn't always work out and I stay up til 2/3am. but that only makes me think of how to get more out of my time!

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