Hi Guys, am looking for a creative to help work on pitch with me this week. Fee £200 per day. Pls let know and send link to portfolio. TY


  • Hi Jamie,

    I might be a bit late to this post...
    But here is my portfolio if you ever need some extra hands!

    I hope we can work together some time soon :)
    Feel free to email me: kaylynkemp@gmail.com
  • Hi Jamie!

    I'm quite interested in this opportunity and would like to know more! I'm sending you my Behance account but I would prefer to send you a pdf portfolio with most recent work, let me know if that interest you :)

    My Behance:

    I'll send you an invitation to conect so we can talk further in case my work interests you!

  • Hey Jamie!!

    I think we have a lot of creative alignment! I'm a LDN based digital creative and my portfolio can be seen here:

    Email: lilsqu123@gmail.com

    Warmest xx
  • Hi @Jamie Brunskill It would be great to know more about the project and also share my portfolio through email, therefore please do email me here himsheela.b@gmail.com Cheers and looking forward.
  • Hi Jamie! I’m very interested in this and would love to know more.

    Here’s the link to my portfolio: https://hedzlynnmareesya.myportfolio.com

    You can contact me at hedzlynnmareesya@gmail.com or DM me :)

  • Hello Jamie, i am interested in this.
    here is a link to my Portfolio https://documentcloud.adobe.com/link/track?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:bdba767f-ddd0-4369-9b55-1a5e3c31ae31

  • Hi Jamie, I'm interested in helping you out. There's a selection of my work on The Dots or I'm happy to send you over my portfolio via email. Cheers, Ash
  • Hi Jamie,

    If you’re interested in my work and like the way I conceptualise, then I’m available this week. You can view my work on my The Dots profile or at www.nirpalbansel.com

    Kind regards,

  • Hey Jamie! I’m available for some freelance concepting/AD. :) My portfolio is www.zoeakihary.com and you can reach me on the Dots or info@zoeakihary.com for any Q’s! I also happen to have a creative partner who’s a copywriter in case you’ll need a team
  • Hi Jamie, I’m an artist and creative technologist who works with AI/ML. I create interactive digital installations and generative art using GANs and body tracking.

    What do you need help with? This is a list of things I can help you with: https://the-dots.com/asks/creative-technologist-and-gan-artist-is-looking-for-a-job-freelance-or-full-time-54213

    Portfolio link: https://monolesan.com/
    Contact me at monolesan@gmail.com or just DM me.

  • Hi Jamie, I'd be really interested to hear more, my website is rhiannamolinadesign.co.uk if you want to check it out, all my contact details can be found there too, and I've sent a connection request. Would love to hear from you, thanks, Rhi
  • Hi Jamie, just sent you a connection, can send you my website/portfolio if you'd like to see some work
  • Hi Jamie - I just popped you a connection request - Happy to send over my portfolio and chat a bit more about how i can help!
    Cheers, Saff

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