Hi there, I'm looking for a sound designer to collaborate on a doc I shot in Cuba a couple of years ago :) Get in touch! D


  • Hi there!

    Would love to know more about the project. I have experience in sound design and music for documentary film (cinema and TV).

    Please get in touch via PM or email:

    sunny greetings from Portugal
  • Hi Deana,

    I would really be interested in composing on this - (I went to Cuba last year!) - I also have experience in composing music for documentaries.

    Send me a message on here or email: kevinfuccillo@gmail.com
  • Hi Deana - I might be able to help you - email me & we can discuss: bradwilliams55@gmail.com . Best wishes
  • Hey, this sounds really interesting! Would love to collaborate. Let me know (:
  • Hi D! your documentery is very interesting. I would love to do a collaberation with you. I am a audio designer and engineer and create musoc and soudn for film with 5 years experience. I am free to start whenever.


    Alex :)
  • Hi D. Your project sounds interesting. Can you let me know some more about it please? I am an experienced sound designer, engineer and producer. Please have a look at my CV on here and maybe we can collaborate. Currently on a project in Abu Dhabi until early December.
    Many thanks,
  • Hi D your doc sounds very interesting, I would love to collaborate on it. I am an experienced sound designer!


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