I am looking for a creative soul that would like to design a simple logo for my cake baking business.

I am looking for a creative soul that would design a simple logo for my cake baking business. I would appreciate help from people who would treat it as a portfolio building task or gaining some experience. I am more than happy to pay you once my business starts making a bit more money.


  • @Simon T
    I completely understand your points; and very true: there are so many ads using misleading language making people believe that they can learn complex crafts within weeks or months, they just need to pay a few hundred or thousand pounds/dollars.
    Someone told me recently that after having completed a 2-months long writer course, they felt confident enough applying for copywriter roles;
    I was a bit surprised!

    As for myself, I didn't become a designer using Adobe Tutorials, but that was not my aim. I had fun but would not have the courage to offer logo-design services for others :)

    Also, your tone of voice was respectful and polite enough, so no worries and thanks for sharing important information with the community.
    I love this platform and it's so interesting where some discussion can go.
  • @Andrea Siegel I wouldn't knock anyone for expanding their skills and knowledge into other areas, and I hoped I didn't come across as knocking anyone who did that - I do think though that we're at the point now where a number of jobs or professions are getting made out to be easier and something anyone can do, one of my big irritants a few years ago was an advert for a PC Mag that basically said "make your own letterhead in ten minutes" - wel lthanks for cheapening the profession I work in, why did I bother with those years in college when I just needed a few minutes tuition! It's the same now with photography adverts at times and I would imagine web designers feel the same with sites like Wix, Squarespace etc selling templates that can look nice and work well but from a web design and coding viewpoint are pretty bloated but sold on their convenience to people to do it themselves.

    Anyway that's digressing the debate into other areas – but as said I wouldn't want to come across as knocking someone for wanting to expand skills, knowledge and abilities into other areas from their current career or day job. And good that it improved your self confidence as well of course :)
  • @Simon T fair enough; it really depends on what the person wants and how fast and efficiently.
    I really enjoyed stretching myself and trying something I used to be too afraid of. I took my time and the result made me feel proud, and good about myself.
    This little detour was an important part of my personal & professional growth and helped me to improve my self-confidence.
    I was also able to transfer the design skills I learnt into creating my own wesbite -- again, something people had told me I could not do. But I could, in the end!
    I admire and respect artists and love working with them as a writer.
  • @Simon T Get this, I enjoy learning new things but when there are people who are able to do things better than I can (especially when it comes to designing/using programmes), its better to hire someone to be able to concentrate on the things which are more suited to my skills!
  • The only thing I'd say about learning the Illustrator basics yourself (aside from denying a graphic designer the chance to use their skills that they've been trained to do!) is that someone who knows what they're doing either as a designer or artworker will get a logo done more efficientl, more than likely a better/smoother final result and to the correct colour settings and image sizes for what you'll need faster than you will do if trying to figure things out for yourself – I don't have any problem with the DIY approach but there are enough good designers (or as mentioned artworkers if you have an idea of what you'd like to do) that can help you out with the design and let you concentrate on what you're best at with the business

    (Hoping that doesn't sound too arsey or condascending!)
  • I can help, I’m an undergraduate graphic design student
  • I am a writer and not a graphic designer. At some point, when I finally had a clear idea of my brand's identity and image, I decided and managed to learn the basics of Illustrator https://helpx.adobe.com/illustrator/tutorials.html and created a logo for myself. If you just want a very simple logo and nothing else, you might want to give it a try as well.
    Or try this: https://looka.com/blog/category/logo-design/
    Good Luck!
  • @Geoffrey Bunting it’s not a ‘failure of budget’ to support a kickstarting business.

    Under no circumstances is Paulina taking advantage of anyone’s creative skills by offering to the platform a job with false pretences and to which has been very open about the funding of it.

    As well as working for huge brands, I have always supported those with startup businesses for minimal budgets based on what I felt would be something I would enjoy getting involved with and believed in. It’s a personal decision and if you’re simply not interested and it’s not for you, don’t get involved and mind your business; plain and simple.

    Paulina, there is so much talent on this site and already so many great people have replied. If you would like any further assistance on your branding or any advice at all please don’t hesitate to reach out :)
  • @Geoffrey Bunting it would cost. So just please stop feeling like you need to reply to my question in this way trying to make me look like a monster. It's the designer's decision to go for it or not and I will not judge if they don't. However I think your comments were completely unnecessary.
  • @Geoffrey Bunting That's extremely noble for you to educate me on my business and its sucess I truly appreciate it. While opening my business I also stared out by doing things for free and giving my bakes(in this case) to people which made it grow. If there was no point in "free labour" then we should ask ourselves why do we still accept free internships all the time and big, and I'm talking BIG companies, do not have problems with that. Why can't you realise that some people just enjoy their creative work and enjoy self development in a way of designing in their free time for their own fulfilmenet. Check out all other social media platforms that base their content purely on people's passions (TikTik for example).
    Also I don't remember asking you specifically to help me out. Please do not try to act like an expert of the whole creative industry and all people on here. I never said I will NOT pay someone, because I value their work and time spent on creating it. I understand how much
  • Let's be very clear here, folks. If someone has failed to budget for one of the most fundamental aspects of their busines - their brand - you have to be very brave to expect them to be able to run a business to such an extent that they'll be able give you fair - if any - remuneration for the work you put in developing it for them.

    If you're that charitable, great - go for it. If you're one of the many young/inexperienced designers on here that are desperate for work and you think this is going to be great for your portfolio, you'll be better off self-initiating a project. A quantity of low-budget/free client-led work is not going to show what you can do, only that you don't value yourself enough - and creative employers know what that looks like in a portfolio.

    The Dots is full of these kinds of postings and I've spoken before about the language clients are starting to use in leiu of the myth of exposure. Payment on spec. equates to no payment at all. And until there is some kind of function that forces cheap clients to be upfront about their budgets - and not frame it around language like helping or collaborating - you have to be very careful about what, and who, exactly you're responding to.
  • @Geoffrey Bunting I don't think there's anything wrong in having the confidence to start your own company and having faith in its success.
    We all have a starting point; don't be gross.
  • @Geoffrey Bunting truth being said I am not following people begging them to help me out. I know there are plenty of people wanting to build their portfolio without taking payment. If you feel hurt by my posted question you should not have responded at all. If there was no one wanting to do it, there would be no responses under this question, so please just stop spreading negativity...
  • Neither of those things are payment for work. Nor is the promise of prospective payment IF your business doesn’t fail. Don’t be gross.
  • Hullo Paulina!

    As a young creative keen to learn as much as i can, meet some great people and produce some great design, I would love to contribute to your new business and build my portfolio further!

    Please take a look at my website https://lizzieoconnell.com for examples of work I have done so far!

    Thanks so much,


  • Hi Paulina, I hope you are doing well. I am a senior graphic design and would like to help you in this stage. You can review examples of my logo work below and if you are looking for similar high quality for your cake baking business please email me at moeezahmed85@yahoo.com


    Being highly confident, I look forward to your response to proceed accordingly.

    Best Regards
    Moeez Ahmed | Creative Director
  • Hi, I am interested and I belive there can be more cooperation in the future.
    I do have exprience of logo design. Feel free to message me !
  • Hey Paulina!
    I think I can help you with your project, because I'm looking for work to upskill and gain some experinece for my portfolio! I'm mainly an Illustrator but I've got some experinec with logo, they are quite minimalistic and often abstract! I've also dobe some work for a baking business that my friend runs and you can look at this work here:
    Also you are more than welscome to check out my instagram
    and check out my projects on the dots!
    Looking forward to working with you,

  • Hey I can help your ideas to grow if you like.
    Do not hesitate to contact me at maryaudran.gonalves@gmail.com or here.
    Have a good day!
  • Hello Paulina, Rizki here!. I'm currently want to enrich my graphic design portfolio and looking for branding any business. Email me if you are interested!


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