I'm on the lookout for a junior designer for THIIIRD Magazine on a project-by-project basis. Print, digital, motion graphics.


  • Hi,
    I am a Graphic Designer and illustrator.
    I would like to collaborate with you, to show my creative and talent. it would be a great opportunity for me to work with you and explore my creative.

    My work :-
    Website: https://aqsa.myportfolio.com
    Instrgram: https://www.instagram.com/aasqaart/
  • Hello!

    I would love yo know a bit more about your project. It sounds cool.

    I'm a graphic artist with illustration, design and animation experience.

    Please, check my work and get in touch if you would like to discuss further.





  • Hi Tahiera, I'd love to be involved. My portfolio is mainly muisc based but would love to expand more into other magazine work. I also have motion skills. Check out my work and testimonials here...
  • Sounds like a fun project- I'd be interested!
    You can find my work here: https://esiews.com/
    If you are still looking for people and you find me as a good fit, hit me up.
  • Hi Tahiera! Illustrator by nature, I have experience in print and animation also and content creation - see my work on my profile, or
  • Hello Tahiera,

    I am an art director student and really would love to work for THIIIRD! check out some of my work on my website - www.akankshagoyal.com to see if it fits what you're looking for. I have experience and visual branding as well!
  • Hi i'm an illustrator and graphic designer. I really lik the sound of this and tried to look at the magazine website but was unable to access it. If you would like to look at my work, a selection can be found at www.shedcertified.co.uk.
    Thank you for your time
  • Hello Tahiiera,

    I'm not junior but might can help. Feel free to have a look at on my work:


    And get in touch on 4nn414@gmail.com

  • Hello Tahiera,
    This sounds like and interesting opportunity.
    Please have a look on my portfolio

    Or eventually email me on

    Thank you for your time

  • Hello Tahiera,

    I’m a freelance designer and definitely am interested in this exciting opportunity! My portfolio is www.carolcylee.com . Please don’t hesitate to get in touch, carolcylee15@gmail.com . Looking forward to hearing from you soon :)

    Thank you!
  • Hey there, amazing work you're doing with THIIIRD. I'm not a junior designer, so I might not be right for what you're looking at the moment, but I'd love to create illustrations for you. You can see some relevant work in the following links:


  • Hi Tahiera,

    Sounds like a great opportunity! I would be interested in learning more about the role and THIIIRD Magazine's approach to creating an inclusive platform.

    Should you require more information, please contact me by email at info@anniedutremble.com

    Have a good one :)
  • Hi Tahiera,

    This sounds like a great opportunity! I would love to take on projects for such a
    unique, inspiring magazine.

    Please feel free to get in touch.

    Many thanks! :)

    Portfolio: elnaz soltan.co.uk

    Email: hello@elnazsoltan.co.uk

    Instagram: @elnazsoltandesign
  • Hello Tahiera,

    Wow! What a cool opportunity, I would love to participate on it.
    Let me know if you're interested on my profile :)

    best regards!

  • Hi Tahiera, this sounds amazing and I would love to collaborate with THIIIRD magazine. Please feel free to drop me a line or let me know the best way to contact you.
    Many thanks!
    Portfolio: nandakovic.com + kovicstudio.com
    E-mail: nandakovic@gmail.com
  • Hello, this sounds like a great opportunity that i would love to take advatange off. Feel free to drop me a message when you can.

    Many thanks
  • Hi Tahiera! I would love to hear about this opportunity. I am new here so let me know what would be the best way to contact you. Thanks ! Lu

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