Looking for a reliable recruiter/virtual assistant
Hi there!
I’m seeking a reliable, proactive virtual assistant/recruiter for flexible, remote work. Key responsibilities include:
Responding promptly and managing communication.
Assisting with recruitment tasks (e.g., sourcing candidates, scheduling).
Handling general admin and ad-hoc tasks.
I’m looking for someone organized, responsive, and dependable. Flexible hours make it easy to fit around other commitments.
If interested, send a quick intro about yourself and your experience. Excited to connect!
- Hi Vlad, I came across your post and wanted to reach out as I believe I’d be a great fit for the virtual assistant/recruiter role. With experience in personal assistance, communication management, and recruitment tasks, I pride myself on being highly organized, proactive, and dependable. I’m confident I can support you with sourcing candidates, scheduling, and admin tasks, while ensuring efficiency and flexibility. I’d love to discuss how I can contribute to your team!
- Hi, my name is Melina. This opportunity sounds great, and I’m excited to learn more about it! I’m a journalist and pastry chef currently working as a freelancer, focusing on virtual assistant tasks and content creation. I’d love to hear more details about the project. Please feel free to reach out to me at holaricana@gmail.com.Looking forward to connect!
- Good Afternoon,Please email me, and let me know if you are still hiring.Email - 123chesswizard@gmail.comThank You,David
- Shoot me an email Bouhouchayoub22@gmail.com
- Shoot me a message I’ve connected with you my personal details are there I think r be a great fit
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