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This is an online event

Many emerging artists face challenges when trying to turn their art into a profitable business, not least because of a lack of connections and the expensive commission structures some art galleries charge. It’s even harder when a proportion of the art industry considers ‘profit’ a dirty word.

Turning your art into a creative business means you can support yourself to forge the lifestyle that you want. The key to success is to develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

In this Zoom Dive, we’re joined by John Sewell, founder of the online art marketplace Cosimo. He’ll explain how you can overcome the roadblocks and fears of launching your own art business – and how to start thinking like an entrepreneur.

Expect to hear:

  • What an entrepreneurial mindset looks like.
  • Why startups and artists are very similar.
  • The traits needed to become a successful creative entrepreneur.
  • How to overcome the fear of failure and be open to taking risks.
  • How artists can understand their worth and the value they bring through their skills and art.
  • Why ‘profit’ shouldn’t be considered a dirty word in the art industry.
  • Why we need more honesty and transparency about what it takes to develop an art business.
  • How to form collaborations with other artists to leverage each other’s strengths.
  • How Cosimo helps emerging artists take that first step into business.

Who this Zoom Dive is for:

Artists that want to understand how to turn their art into a profitable business.

About John Sewell

John Sewell is the founder of Cosimo, an art platform and marketplace that enables artists to directly connect with buyers and sell their work online for free. After studying art history at university and working in a small commercial gallery in the Lake District, John realised there were many talented artists out there who couldn’t reach their potential because they struggled with selling their work. He started Cosimo to make selling art easy and financially viable for artists and to give them the tools and support needed to become creative entrepreneurs. Cosimo is continually evolving thanks to £129K of crowdfunding in 2022.

John is also a TEDx speaker and has racked up several accolades in recent years, including the University of Birmingham Start-Up Scholarship Awardee 2021, Birmingham Tech Young Person of The Year Finalist, Birmingham Awards Young Achiever Finalist and Business Live West Midlands Young Tech Talent Finalist.

About Zoom Dives

Zoom Dives are live discussions between creative business experts and our founder, Carolyn Dailey. They tackle current crucial topics that all creative entrepreneurs and freelancers need to know about.

About Creative Entrepreneurs

A first-of-its-kind online membership experience and community empowering creatives to grow their brilliantly successful businesses.

Become a member today: http://bit.ly/CE_becomeamember

This event will be recorded, and the audio file will be published in our Journal.

  • creativebusiness
  • creativeentrepreneurs
  • creativestartup
  • onlineevent
  • onlinebusinessclass
  • artists
  • artsbusiness
  • artentrepreneur


Attendees — 6

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How artists can develop an entrepreneurial mindset to sell their workLondon, United Kingdom