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Online via Zoom - London, United Kingdom

Organised by Create Jobs

Join Stef Sword-Williams from F*ck Being Humble as she breaks down the best ways to tell your story and get noticed for all the right reasons

There seems to be a million and one opinion pieces on why self-promotion is a terrible idea, but is it really as bad as it sounds?

In an increasingly connected world with more voices in the room than ever, how do you expect people to take note of you and the work you’re doing if you don’t talk about it?

Over at F*ck Being Humble, they’re tired of seeing great talent going unnoticed. That’s why it’s time to stop describing yourself as ‘hard-working’ and ‘friendly’ and really get under the skin of what you stand for and why people should care. After all, people buy people, but only if you let your true personality shine through.

In the session, you will:

  • Learn how to confidently self-promote
  • Pick up methods to effectively communicate your achievements
  • Discover how to build your reputation and capture what makes you distinctly different
  • entrepreneur
  • business
  • businessdevelopment
  • businessplanning
  • startup
  • startupbranding
  • branding
  • marketingstrategy


Attendees — 161

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Let Me Blow Your Mind: a self-promo masterclass with Stef Sword-WilliamsLondon, United Kingdom