Organised by Wishu Media
Wishu is hosting a series of webinars called A Guide For Creatives, which focuses on how Creative Freelancers can succeed in 2021, this series will be hosted every week during March.
The first webinar is Social Media & Marketing in which we'll approach how you as a creative can market yourself online including social media in 2021. How to present yourself and build attention-grabbing content and marketing approaches that help land work.
Zoom access:
Zoom link: (here)
Zoom passcode: wishu2021w
Access via Zoom and YouTube Live. Please note YouTube Live link will be shared via email 5 minutes before streaming at 2pm.
Access on YouTube:
- beauty
- film
- art
- graphicdesign
- makeupartist
- videographer
- photography
- artist
- design
- styling