THIIIRD is a new biannual print publication celebrating intersectionality, cultural heritage and diversity in fashion, arts and society. Essentially concerned with identity politics and diversity, the magazine is split into three sections: Mind, Body and Soul. Within these sections, THIIIRD offers a range of informative interviews, fashion editorials, and personal essays presenting critical explorations and transformative ways of understanding. THIIIRD was created from a desire for more. The people behind this magazine work in the arts, fashion and journalism. We come from a diverse range of backgrounds and cultural heritages. We are, so to speak, ‘third culture children’ – Nigerian/British; Iranian/Brazilians, Italian/American, Cape Verdean/Portuguese, St Lucian/Jamaican/Ghanian, Swiss and English. We wanted to create a magazine which offered more on our cultures, our voices and our sexualities, more from the movements we are engaging with and the discussions we are learning to have with ourselves and others.