On Friday, June 7, BRICK is celebrating the release of BRICK Edition 07 and the launch of the first brick and mortar venture at King’s Mall in Hammersmith. As well as selling mags and merch, BRICK has built a fully functioning black and white darkroom in the space, and is hosting introductory workshops for young photographers looking to learn how to print their own images. BRICK has also collaborated with PPP Repairs to offer camera repairs in-store, just bring along your camera any time for a quote and you should be able to pick it back up within a week. The darkroom is also open 3 days a week for those that know the ropes already and to BRICK readers to come and work from - they'll be open all day if you want to swing by to print some images before grabbing a drink at the party. To submit an enquiry for a repair quote or book one of the workshops or darkroom sessions, please visit the Brick Magazine website (see link below). The BRICK store and darkroom is open every day until June 14th, and you're welcome to come and visit anytime. Opening Hours: Monday - Saturday: 10:30am - 6pm Sunday: 12pm - 5pm #STARTUPMALL #KINGSMALLHAMMERSMITH