(Team Rainbow member Nikki Henderson shows off her pride!)
This company openness was exemplified in a forum organized the day after the presidential election of 2016. All employees were welcomed to voice their emotions within a supportive group. “It felt almost like an open mic night,” Michael said. Running an ERG within a broader community of peers that is open and welcoming of different beliefs has definitely contributed to Team Rainbow’s ongoing success at providing space for LGBTQIA+ community members to express themselves.
Within the company, Team Rainbow has championed LGBTQIA+-specific dialogues around topics such as pronouns in the workplace—like having pronoun stickers made and distributed throughout the company—and organized discussions on topics of interest, both at a companywide and a smaller, committee level.
An integral part of helping employees thrive is creating a space where every individual feels they can bring their full selves to work.
For example, on the one-year anniversary of the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando, FL, Team Rainbow organized a memorial gathering for people to remember and discuss their feelings. Recalls Michael, “Interns who were from conservative areas said how nice it was to finally be processing and talking about the horrific event with a supportive community.”
Team Rainbow also hosts monthly lunches where members discuss recent news or just what’s on their minds. “I had previously only come out to individuals,” says Steven Rybicki, a co-lead of the ERG.“I’ve never felt as comfortable in a large group as I do at Team Rainbow lunches.”
Team Rainbow tips for providing space for expression:
Organize company-wide events to hold space for different beliefs and perspectives.
Respond to recent events to help employees process their reactions.
Host smaller gatherings to foster connection among community members.
Driving changes in the workplace to support LGBTQIA+
Team Rainbow has driven various changes in the workplace to support the LGBTQIA+ community in company processes and decision making. Improvements have ranged from the tactical to more strategic. But one thing Team Rainbow has learned is it’s important to get involved in company planning because there’s a good chance that decisions will be made that impact LGBTQIA+ people.
At a tactical level, Team Rainbow and its members have worked with the company’s Facilities Team to ensure that there are gender neutral bathrooms on every floor and that name tags at events include space for attendees to specify pronouns. From a more strategic standpoint, they work with the People Operations Team to review new policies for inclusive language and potential issues for LGBTQIA+ community members.
One of the most impactful ways Team Rainbow has created change in the workplace has been through their impact on our recruiting processes. Their active partnership with the Recruiting Team helps make the candidate experience more LGBTQIA+ friendly.
For example, the Recruiting Team now solicits pronouns on the candidate application form. Recruiters also make a concerted effort to communicate pronouns to the interviewing team, and interviewers use gender neutral pronouns in their written feedback to avoid implicit biases.
Beyond recruiters interacting with candidates, Team Rainbow members make themselves available to talk to LGBTQIA+ candidates who have questions about being LGBTQIA+ and working at Asana. They stay involved in the revision of recruiting practices by attending planning meetings and championing LGBTQIA+ friendly change.
Team Rainbow tips to drive LGBTQIA+ friendly change at work:
Identify tactical and strategic ways to make your workplace more LGBTQIA+ friendly and find a champion for each.
Get involved in planning and communications processes. Make sure that LGBTQIA+ voices are represented at the table.
Show the outside world—office guests and candidates—that you’re committed to a LGBTQIA+ friendly workplace. One simple and effective way of doing so is to incorporate pronouns in the welcome process.
Educate and celebrate
To help everyone feel like they can bring their full selves to work as well as respect one another, Team Rainbow has driven several initiatives to educate Asanas and celebrate the LGBTQIA+ community. In their first year, their focus has been on initiatives that build awareness and membership across the company. They’ve created events and educational campaigns both big and small, leveraging existing or ongoing community initiatives—like Pride—to increase awareness.