Exploring our new creative home in Paddington

Last month, we made Paddington the new home of our creative studio and now occupy a great spot on the seventh floor of Two Kingdom Street…
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
Our new offices allow our teams to work in an environment that is built upon community, collaboration and knowledge sharing…
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
Around each corner, designers can find a different space to suit their needs, whether that be formal, informal, tranquil or lively – each room offers something different…
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
Creativity and collaboration is a vital part of what we do – it’s in our DNA. So we offer our teams breakout spaces that are comfortable, colourful and provide the perfect energy for both inspiring brainstorming sessions and a place to reflect and relax…
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
We also like to surround ourselves with inspiration, so you’ll find our walls covered in all sorts of animations, illustrations and artistry to get the creative juices flowing!
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
During down time, you can find members of our team playing pool, ping pong or taking in the views over London…
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
So if you’re around Paddington, come and visit us – we’ve got lots to talk about!
Exploring our new creative home in Paddington by Lift London
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Creating future experiences