Freelancing With Purpose

  • Alistair Webster

As freelancers, we all like the thought of being able to wake up each day, and do work that is going to make the world a better place. Maybe this is work that has a positive impact or simply something that we are good at and enjoy doing - the kind of projects that we were put on this earth to do. We’ve all heard the advice - find what you love and you’ll never work another day in your life - which sounds amazing but just how practical is that for the average freelancer who also has to pay the bills and keep the lights on? While I’m writing this, every news bulletin is talking of a growing list of crises and problems coming down the track - so how easy is it really to just drop everything and go all in on finding the kind of wholesome, fulfilling work that everyone is also seeking? The stark reality is that for many of us, we have no choice but to do work that just doesn’t feel all that meaningful. Sometimes we just need to make ends meet and swallow our medicine. And the truth is, there’s no shame in that. When we start to talk about topics like purpose and meaning in our work, it’s really easy to slip into guilt-tripping people who are just doing what they need to to make ends meet. In this book, I want to share how you can inject meaning into even the most mundane, uncreative and boring freelance work - and explain how this can revolutionise how you approach and think about your freelance business - and the impact it has. Let's get started.

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