IAM Weekend 18: The Subversion of Paradoxes

  • Nina Montironi
  • Andres Colmenares
  • Lucy Black-Swan
  • Conor Rigby

How do we want to live, work, eat, learn, exchange, design, create, play in 2025? #IAMW18

Join us next spring in Barcelona for the fourth edition of IAM Weekend, exploring our 2018 research theme: 'The Subversion of Paradoxes', looking at contradictions, collisions and coexistence in the next 7 years.

What futures do we want to remember by 2025?

The complexity, lack of logic and apparent overwhelming nature of ‘current events’ (a.k.a. Trump, Brexit, Climate change, refugee crisis, nuclear vibes, etc) is derivating in a threatening hypernormalisation, full of contradictions, collisions and coexistence of realities, where the internet is playing an active and defining role.
“15 years ago the Internet was an escape from reality. Now reality is an escape for the Internet. We have lost the ability to be in awe of the complexity and power of real reality,” acclaimed director Alejandro G. Iñarritu said in a recent interview.
These are modes of thinking and being occurring and mirroring simultaneously to our own to the point where it has become a chicken and egg situation. Instead of burying ourselves in a shallow wormhole, new perspectives, on macro and micro levels, outside and within these systems and universes can be far more effective.


For IAM Weekend 18 we want to explore deeper how we can use paradoxes in the internet age, instead of feeling trapped by them, to better understand reality and be more empowered to invent collectively better futures. More specifically the next 7 years, asking a BIG question:

How do we want to live, work, eat, learn, exchange, design, dress, create, play... in 2025?

We aim to subvert paradoxes to question the status quo, challenge dominant cultural narratives, binary mindsets and structures, refreshing the meaning of subversion by stimulating fostering planetary, long-term & critical thinking/doing. In other words using the internet, instead of being used by it.

Get the full speaker line up and your tickets here: http://www.iam-weekend.com/
