NYM Issue 1

Not Your Monolith (NYM) is a UK-based, global-focused magazine that is disability-perspective led. This means that we only employ disabled people or allies to share their experience of the world, including reviews, music, fashion, art, pop culture, etc. Each issue has a unique theme explored from a deeper context of lived experience, opinions, and desires. A small, independent publication, NYM’s aim is to challenge the very idea of what disability is by focusing on the entirety of our disabled creatives identity. About disability, but also not about disability, we are not your monolith when it comes to the nuances that our community experiences. We open up possibility to all, disabled and non-disabled. A digital copy of Issue 1 is available for the introductory price of just £1 at wearenym.com. You can also register for printed copies, set for launch soon. Founded by: Elizabeth Wright - Founder & Editor of Conscious Being & Editor of Disability Review Mag, Priya Smith - Founder of LoveDis & Emma Gardner - Co Founder of Born Equal Consults & With Not For.

NYM Issue 1 by Not Your Monolith
NYM Issue 1 by Not Your Monolith
NYM Issue 1 by Not Your Monolith

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Online magazine exploring disability, pop culture & life