Ride Adland 2022

NABS' annual Ride Adland cycling event returned this September to the Olympic Park and raised £22,000 to help fund the wellbeing and support services we provide to everyone in the advertising and media industry. 19 teams made up of 178 adlanders participated in a range of fun, cycling challenges throughout the day with Clear Channel taking the title of Ultimate Champions in the end-of-day medals ceremony. The event was put together by NABS’ events team together with committee members Grant Woodthorpe (chair), Mike Hope-Milne, Duncan Tickell, Andy Jones, Aimee McKay, Jeremy Long, John Heather and Richard Kelly. Ride Adland’s headline sponsor was Mail Metro Media and the creative partner was Hogarth, who created an NFT trophy to award to the overall winners.

Ride Adland 2022 by NABS
Ride Adland 2022 by NABS

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  • Hogarth logo


    • Marketing & PR
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    Mail Metro Media


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